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Walk-a-Mile wasn't the most destructive akuma that Ladybug and Chat Noir had ever faced. She was an akumatized travel agent that had finally had enough of rude customers, and now she was making people switch bodies so that they could, well, walk a mile in someone else's shoes. She was causing mass panic, but at least the damage to cars and buildings was being kept to a minimum.

"D'you think the spell reverses if people actually walk a whole mile?" Chat Noir asked, leaping over a rooftop to avoid a beam of light. He paused, frowning. "Wait, is a mile more or less than a kilometer?"

"More, I think! I don't know!" Ladybug narrowly blocked a beam of light. "I wonder why they went with a kilometer instead of a mile?"

"Maybe Hawk Moth is American," Chat Noir suggested. "Maybe the akuma victim is American. Maybe he just thought it sounded cooler this way."

"Come out, come out, wherever you are," Walk-a-Mile sang, strolling along the rooftops and swinging her weapon as she went. "Don't you want to find out how other people feel? Or do you only think about yourself?"

"That doesn't even make sense," Chat Noir grumbled as the superheroes ducked behind a building. "I wouldn't find out how other people feel if I switched bodies. I'd find out how other people's bodies feel, maybe-"

"No feeling up other people, kitten," Ladybug ordered, cutting across Chat Noir's grumbles.

He only grinned. "That wasn't what I meant."

"Sure, kitty-cat."

They peered around the corner in unison, watching as Walk-a-mile hit more civilians with her weapon. There were cries of confusion and anger as people swapped bodies with friends, family members, and random other Partisans.

"People are switching with whoever is closest to them," Chat Noir commented as he watched the chaos below. "So wouldn't we just switch with each other? That's not so bad."

"Except I don't know how to fight with your baton, and I'm not sure you would know what to do with my yo-yo." Ladybug dodged back behind the chimney and let out a sigh. "It's too bad our Miraculous don't protect us completely from the akumas' weapons."

"There wouldn't be any fight then. Which would be a good thing," Chat Noir added hastily, seeing the dry look Ladybug sent his way. He grinned sheepishly. "Hey, any time I get to spend with you is a good time."

"You're impossible." Ladybug was smiling, though, just barely. She focused again a moment later, coming up with a plan. "Okay, if we wait until she's distracted and try to sneak up from behind, then we can grab the zapper. Tackle her if she tries to get away."

Chat Noir nodded and took off, keeping to the far sides of rooftops as he circled around. Ladybug waited a beat before following, summoning a Lucky Charm as she went.

As it turned out, Walk-a-Mile had very fast reflexes, or maybe she was just pretending to be distracted with the panicked civilians. She whipped around just as Ladybug was winding up to throw her Lucky Charm, making the spotted superhero miss as she let go at the same time she dodged. The red and black hammer flew uselessly through the air and through a window.

And then everything started to go wrong.

Chat Noir, on the opposite side of the barrage of light strikes, didn't see Ladybug lose her Lucky Charm, so he Cataclysmed the street in an effort to distract Walk-a-Mile. Ladybug, taken off guard by the unexpected loss of the Lucky Charm, didn't notice the street crumbling from Cataclysm and tripped over the rough surface, falling to the ground in a move more characteristic of her civilian form. She stayed on the ground a moment too long before trying to scramble away.

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