Part 6 - Together

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Robyn's POV


I sigh. Sitting on the stairs, waiting , is not how I thought I would be spending my Saturday evening, but I'm sure it'll be worth it.
Luke should be here soon. He promised. While I'm waiting, I check my phone. Nothing. This could be a long night ...

After a few rounds of Candy Crush, I hear doors clicking, engines revving. Slowly, I open the door, out of curiosity, and find Luke. He's sat in an Audi A5, roof down, engine running.

"Hop in!"

Luke waves me over to the car, opening the door of the passenger seat.

"Is this yours?" I ask in total disbelief. He says nothing.

We drive down the road for quite a while before anything else happens.

"Where exactly are we going?" I ask, but once again, Luke says nothing.

He flicks the indicator and turns the wheel. I can't see a path, but that may be due to the lack of light. It isn't completely dark, not yet, but it won't be long.

Finally, Luke stops the engine. We are outside a barn, of which is full of hay bales. I can hear chickens nearby and sheep in a field somewhere down the path. To my left, there is a lot of machinery. I'm not quite sure what much of it does, but I manage to recognise a small, good quality caravan. As long as we don't go towards the equipment, we should be okay.

To my surprise, and relief, Luke grabs my hand and drags me towards the hay bales. He jumps up on to the first one but only just managed to scramble on to the second bale, a little higher up.

"Are you coming or not?" Luke says, beckoning me further in to the barn.

Reluctantly, I run and leap up, grabbing Luke's hand. I land on all fours next to him.

"Want to go further?" He raises an eyebrow when he talks, making me smile.

I stand up and brush myself off.

"I'm following you, Mr Hemmings"

I put my hand out so he can support himself as he gets up. Luke grabs hold of my hand, but this time, doesn't let go. Instead, we walk together, side by side, across and over the hay bales.


Next chapter coming very soon! x
-Amelie 💕

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