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Seth adjusted the black stone mask that covered his face. The cold winter air cooled the mask, making it slightly more bearable to wear. Seth was not sure how the twins had managed to wear these things for so long.

The scent of the halfling who had once worn this uniform still clung to his mask and clothes. Two halflings lay dead in the snow behind the inn. Their bodies were hidden in the brush of the forest tree line. He could only hope that the bodies were not discovered before they could finish their mission.

There were so many things that could go wrong. Cassius's words from the other night still rang in his mind. Their plan all hinged on if the Princess was even being held here.

Seth knew he was becoming desperate, but he could not give up on finding his Princess. He had to free Ellinna, he owed her that much. She had once sworn on her life that she would never hurt him and he had sworn the same. An unbreakable vow made by two children. He had made himself a promise that day too, to always protect her. No matter what.

He had failed.

He had left her in that palace. Stupidly believing she was better off without him. He had left her and she had paid the price for that stupid mistake.

He could not let himself think about that. Not now. He needed to concentrate.

Seth's boots clicked on the stone floor as he descended down level after level. Royal guards nodded their greetings as he and Cassius walked past them. The eye patch he wore severely limited his sight, but his senses were on high alert. Monitoring every movement, sound, and smell around him.

Cassius walked in step beside him. Casually leading the way to the cell they had been assigned to guard. This was possibly the easiest disguise Seth had ever worn. He knew Callum's mannerisms almost as well as he knew his own. The slight buzz of Valen's glamour that made his teal blue eyes green tickled his face, reassuring him the magic was still firmly in place.

Seth resisted the urge to stare at the ornate carvings that filled every inch of the prison. It was like nothing he had ever seen before. If it had not been for the crushing smell of iron in every breath he took, and the screams of terror and pain that echoed through the halls, he might have called the place beautiful.

Ornate designs were carved into every archway and banister. Smaller designs were carved into any nook and cranny they could be put. It was as if this place was originally designed to be a palace and not a prison.

It was Valen who had changed the assignment roster so that Cassius and Callum were assigned to watch the guarded cell. Seth had insisted he take Callum's place. He needed to see her. Needed to hold her in his arms once more.

Seth's breathing hitched as he forced those emotions down deep inside of himself. Cassius gave him a knowing glance.

Guards roamed the halls in pairs of two. The shift change was the one time when two extra guards would not be noticed. As they made their way to the third level, Callum and Kat were making their way to the tenth level, far below them. It was there that the worst monsters and creatures were imprisoned.

This prison was built upside down. The only level above the surface was the first level. Each level went further and further below the earth's surface.

Seth let out a breath of relief as they reached the third level.

"Now," Cassius muttered. Seth took a calming breath and did not let himself react early as a cracking sound split through the sky three levels above them. The crack of lightning was quickly followed by an explosion of thunder. Cassius and Seth hit the ground as the building shook. The guards outside the cell looked at them with wide eyes.

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