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{achievement unlocked : the beginning}

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{achievement unlocked : the beginning}

irl ! 

i was never one for happy endings.

i never understood why the disney movies always ended so happy and successful when i was little. i stopped watching the disney movies at age 15 'cause of how repetitive it was and still is. 

my mom didn't like that. she has been a hardcore disney fan since the day i was born. the day after she had me, we moved from a small town in canada to orlando, florida so we could go to disney at least 4 times a year.

i've lived in orlando for all 21 years of my life and can't imagine leaving. my family lives here, i met my best friend aurora here, i picked up my new career here, and there are too many memories i have in orlando to let go of.

rory and i live in a condo together in downtown orlando, we love it here. we don't have any pets or anything because we are both very consumed and invested in our jobs. 

rory works for ceo of some dumb company no one's ever heard of and i well, i'm a twitch streamer and youtuber. a faceless & nameless one i should add.

i was never an open person. i mean, i could tell you my favourite colour is purple but who cares about colours. i could also tell you how many likes per tweet i get, but that's just being an asshole.

the reason i'm faceless isn't that i'm insecure about how i look, it's to keep at least one or two things secret from my viewers. 

of course, my close friends like luke/punz know my name and what i look like but that doesn't mean i have to share it with everyone. 

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