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"Celes come here a second!" My brother yells.  

"Busy, Zach!" 

"Just for a second?!?" I sigh.  



I sigh again. He goes to punch my face but I catch his hand and laugh.  


I kick his side twice and then I sweep his legs out from under him.  

"Um. Ow!"  

"Hey new job to go on."  

My brother and I are assassins. We kill. It's funny because while I'm actually performing the deed, I feel nothing. However in the aftermath, I feel an overwhelming wave o remorse. I assume its the same for my brother but I have no idea honestly, that's one topic of conversation that's forbidden in my home.  

"Where we heading"  

"Colorado." I grab my backpack.  

"Let's go." 

Zach follows me out of our small D.C apartment. We board his motorcycle and leave. 


When we arrive in front of the big mansion in Colorado I find it strange that we have such easy access. In most I have to find a forceable way in side ,but this time we both slip right in easily. I have to do this quick, I remind myself. When I'm positive nobody is watching I stand over the man who will dies food. I carefully drop 10 drops of poison into his soup. Then retreat through a vent. It's a quick in out project. Not even a hassle this time ! This was strange and I'm not naive enough to believe that we can get out of here so easily. That can't be a possibility. I look around as we rebored the black bike.  

"Zach, does it seem like this was to easy?" 

"Yeah. Keep an eye out ok?" I grab a pistol and keep it close to my chest as we leave the grounds where we hid the motorcycle. This should be an interesting ride home.


Zach's POV

I drive as quickly as I can down the backroads. If we had taken my truck I would have been driving faster but since I'm on a motorcycle I try to drive slower than my usual fast. 

"Are you okay Celes?" I ask she hasn't made a sound since we left that estate an hour ago. 

"Yeah. Just watching." She replies. 

"Whatcha see?"  

"Just this van. It's been tailing us off and on for 5 minutes."  

"And your just now telling me?"  

"Not the time Zach!" 

I start driving faster becoming nervous for my sister.  

"Zach they're tailing us."Cecilia whispers. 

"How do you know?"  

"They sped up when you did."  

I turn down another road and another and another. We come upon a small gas station that looks like it hasn't been used since the 40's. I speed to the back of the station. Cecilia hands me a gun when we stop. I see the faint worry lines on her pretty face. My sister is strangely beautiful. She has long black hair falling to the middle of her back in long ringlets, and turquoise color eyes with dense black eyelashes framing them. She also has freakishly long legs making her tall. Most people that see us together mistake her as my girlfriend because we're about the same height even though and don't look alike in anyway besides our height. We have about 7 years age difference.  

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