1. Rengoku called [name], [name]-chan!?!

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([name] is 7 years old in this story)


What's going to a new grade like? A new school a new everything?? Well, let's experience it! The girl woke up named [name], and she looked at her clock. "AHHHHH" [name] screamed/screeched. "MOOM! Why didn't you wake me up!? I was like almost late for my. first. day. at school?!!". "I tried to tell you up but you told me 15 minutes then your up." Your mother said. "You really believed that ??" name] got her school uniform and f/c=(favorite color) lunchbox she put in her other f/c backpack.[name] was rushing fast so she didn't want her mom to think she's in the car already. [Name] didn't want to her classmates to think she's weird..?

*time skip*

"Hueaggghh M/n when are we thereeeee...." [name] said impatiently "[Name]! I already told you we are there in 2 minutes! Just 2!" M/n said "but it's like... 8:20!!" [name] said impatiently again."WE'RE HERE!" M/n's mother yelled

[name] was surprised because of her sudden action, "Whoa we are here already?! Did you teleport here or something???" [name] said "[Name]! Just go already..! Since I don't want you to get in trouble. And no I did not teleport your new school, your school is near our house/apartment."

m/n said to [name] "oh ok.. plus! I know you don't want me to get in trouble..." [name] said in a low tone.



[Name] went out of the the car she was worried and scared, what will her classmates think of her? What if she doesn't have any friends any-!? She ignored those thoughts and tried to be positive. She saw other children and kids that are

about her age, and some younger ones, some were excited and squealing, and others not some didn't even know how to feel. And some the same expression as [name]. You went up to the line to get in school, she saw 2 boys.

'They look like they're in first grade too.. [NAME] thought.

She wanted to ask where's the classroom was to kagaya's room. She asked the emotionless boy, but he didn't say anything in response. [Name] only saw his cheeks turn light pink and looked away. She then she asked the yellow hair boy, with red tips. In response he said the directions where kagayas room was at, he also

mentioned that he was in the same room/classroom you're in. You were surprised.

Time skip

[Name] finally was there, FINALLY there. She was walking with the yellow hair boy and the raven hair boy "FINALLYY......" [name] said, "are you that excited?" The yellow haired boy said "I don't know.. I guess... I guess I'm nervous too, heh. " [name] said.

Another time skip

[name] was just walking to her classroom,She was a few inches away She's was very nervous at the same time. She opened the door to her classroom, Everyone looked at you, the female was panicking. Rengoku was confused that everyone looked at you,Maybe because your with Rengoku, giyu? Or just the new student.



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