Chapter 10. Five Months Ago -February

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The sound of the chair sliding back and the sharp clink of the cup were subtle, in the chaos surrounding the pavilion, but they might as well have been gunshots.

Every face from the crying toddler to the angry brothers and Nie Huaisang in the middle, stopped as the pause button had been hit.

Jiang Yanli stood up in one grace motion, her lotus bracelet tinkling slightly as her sleeve brushed it. "Let them." She said in an abrupt, cold tone. She stared at the adult faces before her with something of defiance in her blue-ringed eyes.

"Nie Huaisang," Jiang Yanli continued as her brothers stared at her dumbfounded. The newest member of her house, turned immediately, his dark eyes anxious.

"Yes, Dajie?" He asked in that soft voice of his. This man the same age as Jiang Cheng had not a drop of Jiang blood, but had still sacrificed everything, nearly his own life to save her family, as best as he could. He ah remained around, not simply as an employee but to support them.

While denying he did anything useful, he had magically calmed A-Cheng, soothed an aggressive A-Xian, sorted out far more things for her than was in his job description and was the sole reason they had Qing-jie and Ning-di, alive and safe. This was more than enough to guarantee she consider him family and strong-armed him into calling her Dajie. Lady Jiang still felt wrong. Boss was too formal for a family lunch and he hesitated to call her Yanli.

Partly because Jin Zixuan and he had finally found a truce. Which was ridiculous, considering they helped each other multiple times a week...but Jiang Yanli resigned herself to never understanding. 

"Sang-di, how sure are you that the Jin are going to attempt to plant evidence against us?" She asked directly

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"Sang-di, how sure are you that the Jin are going to attempt to plant evidence against us?" She asked directly.

"Very sure." He replied. No hesitation, no preamble or feigned doubt.

A-Cheng was about to say something but she held up her hand for calm, for silence.

"Shijie?" A-Xian asked in a surprisingly fragile voice, finally leaving the table to collect his toddler, soothing him tenderly. "It's okay A-Yuan. Shh now. It's okay."


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