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My body lay on my bed, drowning in heavy thoughts, earplugs wear connected to my phone and into my ears. My eyes fluttered shut a couple of times, it was hard to keep awake since I stay up all night, overthinking. But you see about overthinkers....they're always right.

After a while, my playlist was still shuffling through. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I could hear it since my music was faint.

"Come in," I cleared my throat.

The door crept open, Wanda Maximoff walked in and sat on the queen sized bed with me.

I sat up to face her while taking my earplugs out.
Wanda's red hair rested below her shoulders and down to her waist. Her eyes glistened in the littlest light that shon in my room.

"What you listening to?" She asked, lifting her head up and down in amusement.

"Here" i spoke, passing her one side of the earplug.

Our heads rested on my pillows, our shoulders brushed against each other. We listened to my playlist for five minutes in silence, but not awkward silence...peaceful silence.

"It's a lot of depressing songs" Wanda interrupted the silence.

"Yeah well I can relate to most of them" I opened up.

I could feel her face staring at me but I didn't give a thought to look. Suddenly, i felt my hand connect to hers. Catching my attention, Wanda leaned in for a kiss. Our lips connecting passionately until she pulled away. Wanda looked down and bit her lip, making me smile.

"I need to go speak with Yelena" I said, ruining the moment.

Wanda let out a groan and fell onto her back once again.
"Fine" she finally spoke out.

I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead then left the room, waiting for my argument with Belova.

My body hesitated before I knocked on the door, I thought if I did this I would cause a scene. I knocked on the door three times until Yelena yelled "come in".

As i entered, i saw an emotional looked appear on her face. She was sitting on her bed until she stood up, walking towards me.
I closed the door before I said anything.

"Yelena-," I began to speak until she interrupted me.

"Don't give me that sorry crap. All i want to know is if you still love me" Yelena spoke harshly, I didn't blame her.

"If i didn't love you I would've chose Wanda" I said.

"Technically you still did choose her" Yelena stated.

"Yeah but its because I love you both! Equally..." I said, when I told Wanda I loved her more I lied. I love both of them the same. My emotions are clearer towards Wanda but my emotions towards Yelena are hidden when they shouldn't be.

"No matter what happens, I will always love you. I can stop loving you! I want to be with you." Yelena said as her hand glided through her hair nervously.

"I know...But please don't blame Wanda, all she has ever wanted is so be your friend. And I'm getting in the way of that..." i sighed, "that's why I'm going away for a few days, before I left i wanted to apologise even if it doesn't make a difference"

Yelena didn't speak, she stepped closer towards me. Our body and faces inches apart. Fuck it, this might be my last kiss with her until ages. I pulled her head close to mine, our lips parted together until I pulled away, it was clear she wanted more. My forehead connected with her, your breathing getting steadier.

My suitcase was packed, i just needed to shut it. I was going to New Jersey for four days, apparently some agents need my help with a case that Ive dealt with before. Hopefully, while I'm gone Yelena and Wanda can get along with each other.

Yelena had walked into my room, helping me shut my case. I didnt want to use my powers in front of her so i used my bare hands.

Yelena turned around and leant on my bed, looking at me. "Can't I come with you?" She asked, not wanting me to leave.

"I would love that but no, i have to deal with this on my own" i smiled.

The girl next to me sighed before giving me a kiss on the cheek and leaving my room. I had two women i love wrapped around my little finger and i didn't want to break any of their hearts. Is it possible to have two girlfriends?

I shook my head out of my thoughts. My steps leading me further to the door where Wanda, Yelena and Tony were there waiting for a goodbye.

as Tony hugged me he spoke: "any problems and you call me"

"Thanks Tone, make sure they get along" i thanked before speaking about Wanda and Yelena. He knew who I was on about since he let out a little laugh.

Next was wanda who gave me a small hug since Yelena was there. Lastly was Belova, she jumped into my arms, she had forgiven me so quickly but that's who she is. Once we let go of each other, i gave everyone a smile before heading out the doors.

Hi! Don't forget to vote but its ok if you don't want to :) short one today! I'm kinda losing motivation but I will continue the story.

910 words <3

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