13. Who are you?

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Kaia's pov

When I get home, Its nearly 12:30. I really hope no one came in to check on me. After all, I did lock the door. Right? Right?? Now I can't remember If I locked my bedroom door or not.

I shoot one of my last arrows onto my window, and as it wrings me up, Someone opens a window from I think Wanda's room and they drag me in there by my foot.

I panic, because I can't see who it is. When I go over the windowsill and hit the floor of the room, I instantly get picked back up. I try to scream, but my mask is taken off my face and thrown onto the bed. they use their hand and cover my mouth, to make my screams quieter.

"Shhhhhh shh sh sh."

They turn me around so I can face them. I don't know who it is so I try to knock them off their feet by using one of the more advanced moves Nat taught me a few months back.

I mess up my footing and slip. As I'm about to hit the ground, the guy who grabbed me is suddenly on the floor, and has me in his arms.  I look up at him and furrow my eyebrows. I'm so confused.

"I bet you didn't see that coming?" He said as he looked down at me.

"No, I most definitely did not." I said, quickly getting myself up out of his arms.

"Now who are you, and what are you doing in Wanda's old room?"

"I'm Pietro, Wanda's brother." he explained.

My eyes widen. "You're Pietro? Wanda told me you were dead! H-How are you here? That fight was in Sokovia." I looked at him up and down.

"I was one of the lucky people who got life flighted to the hospital that was operating close by, not in Sokovia obviously, and was then treated by doctors who thankfully saved my life. I've been looking for her for awhile, I did not know where the avengers lived but I know she went with them. Where is Wanda by the way? I can't wait to surprise her."

I suddenly felt sad for Pietro because it was obvious that he didn't know about the fight that happened just a few weeks ago.

"Pietro...Wanda's on the raft."

"The raft? why is she on the raft?"

"Its a long story, and really, I don't know the whole story. Lets get to my room so I can change and then we can talk to my dad."

We walk to the door and then I stop in my tracks, making him bump into me.

"Sorry, but listen, Pietro" I said as I turned around to face him. It didn't really do anything since it was incredibly dark in here.

"You can't tell my dad I was sneaking in through my window alright? I'm supposed to be asleep." I was goin to turn back around to open the door when it hit me.

"Wait! I'm supposed to be asleep! How am I supposed to get you to talk to my dad if im supposed to be asleep. I really didn't think this through." I said massaging my temples with my thumb and middle finger

"Well how about you just say I came in through your window?"

"Pietro, this is like a 80 floor glass building. I don't think he'll fall for that." I said as I raised an eyebrow

"But then again, your pretty fast, my dad would probably fall for the running up the side of the building story. Alright we can do that. Its worth a shot I guess."

I turn around and open the door.

Without warning me, he picks me up and zooms us to my room.

when we get in there and he puts me down i sock him in the arm

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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