Chapter 1

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*Chloe's POV*
Hi I'm Chloe, I'm 23. And I first met Taron at Uni.
*3 years ago*
I was currently sat in my drama class, I was so bored...But my friend Sophie was there too, we became friends when we met on the first day of our class, and we were sat at the back of the room while our lecturer went on and on about something or other.
"Hey, a friend of mine is having a party tonight you should come!" Sophie said to me, Sophie is quite popular...well very popular compared to me. I did not like parties, I'm more of a sit at home, gamer girl...not those slitty ones who pretend to be a gamer though or Just watch Youtube because I'm anti-social.
"Urr...I'm not to fond of parties Sophie...You know that"I told her.
"Pleeeeeeeaaaase...For me...I can introduce you to some Awesome people, plus...I could get you hooked up with a guy"She said nudging my arm.
"Fiiiiiinnnee...But because I might get to Awesome people...Like me"I said to make her happy...I really don't like meeting new people.
"YAY!"Sophie screamed causing the entire class to turn and look at her.
"Sorry...Just excited..."Sophie apologised blushing.
I could not help but laugh at her.

*later that night*
Me and Sophie had just arrived at the party...There were so many people here.
I was wearing just a plain dress (like the one at the start, just in red) and my black leather jacket, but Sophie however was wearing a navy blue lace dress, like the one in kingsman or at the start of the chapter, and she had straightened her hair and had eye liner, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick, foundation and all that make up shiz, I don't really wear make up myself, occasionally I will put on a bit of mascara, but I just don't wear it most of the time.

We arrived at the party and about 10 minutes after we got there I was already on my own...I knew this would happen.
I was now sat in the corner of the room, holding my drink in my hand on my phone scrolling though social media, which I could do quite easily at home in my pyjamas.

I was sat there for about half an hour and was thinking about leaving until this guy came up to me.
"Did your friends ditch you too?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm not really the most sociable person this party is great..."I said into his ear, with slight sarcasm, over the loud music.
"Haha yeah right, I'm Taron by the way"He told me.
"I'm Chloe, Want to go some place else other than here...I don't really like people...or parties"I asked Taron.
"Yeah sure"He replied walking towards the door with me following closely behind.

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