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Yangyang walked into Hendery's room only to be thrown a pillow at.

"What now?!"
"You're flirting with her."

Yangyang sat down on the gaming chair and sighed. "Do I look like I am having the time of my life flirting with her? If you're really scared of me flirting, go and tell her everything."


"Then I can't do anything, Hendery. I don't even like her," Yangyang could feel his throat sandy as he spat those words. Oh he was lying through his teeth.


"What if I like you?" Luna laughed when she remembered what Yangyang said. How can she retaliate to that? How can she tell him she sees him as a little kid.

She threw the hoodie to the back seat. She was taken aback when she heard a thud. "What the?"

Luna reached back for the hoodie and checked the pockets.


Yangyang reached into his pocket. Hendery who was reading looked up. "What is it?"

"It's not in here."
"What is not in it?"
"My inhaler."

Hendery rolled his eyes. "You went out for what then?"

"I got it! I shoved it in my po..... Shit it's not in my pocket," Yangyang slapped his forehead. He remembered that he actually shoved it in Luna's hoodie in the car.

"You left it in Luna's car, huh?"
"I didn't mean to."
"What would you do without me, Yangyang?"

Hendery reached for his phone, he was about to text Luna when Kelly came knocking.

"Yangyang, she said you dropped this in her car," Kelly handed him what he was looking for.


It was total silence in the room. Yangyang knew Hendery wasn't asleep.

"Go to sleep," Hendery broke the silence. "But, do you really like her though?" He sat up and faced Yangyang in the dark. He could hear Yangyang trying not to laugh.

"I never knew you could be this jealous."
"Answer me Yangyang."
"Why does it matter? She likes you. No like is an understatement. She loves you," Yangyang pulled his covers up to his head. He was freezing.

Hendery got off his bed and squeezed on the mattress. "Because if you do like her, then take care of her for me when I'm no longer around. Live life, my family is yours and love her as much as I do or even more," Hendery pushed Yangyang's forehead hard. Yangyang pushed away the covers and pushed Hendery off the mattress.

"This conversation never happened. I have no idea what you were talking about," Yangyang refused to promise him anything. Hendery scoffed.

"Oh one day you will."


Luna punched in the passcode. The door swung open and she walked in with groceries. The house was neat and clean. Not much chores other than meal preparation and laundry. She's helping Hala while Hala's adjusting to the new mom life.

Lucas walked in with a paper bag. "Oh you're early. I'll take a shower and then go back to pick Hala up. She's coming home today with the baby," Lucas sajd as he entered the laundry area.

"Lucas! I'll do the laundry," Luna told him from the kitchen.

"Thanks Luna," he thanked her. Luna offered to help around and they were so thankful for it. Young parents who were clueless, that's who they were.

Luna stocked the fridge with groceries and did the laundry. She then proceeded to cook some lunch for them while waiting for Hala and the baby to come.

"Your skin
Oh yeah, your skin and bones
Turn in to something beautiful
Do you know
You know I love you so
You know I love you so..."

Luna jammed to the song playing from her phone. She hummed along to the lyrics as she fold the clothes. Truthfully she didn't mind doing all those chores as long as she could get away from Yun.

Her eyes fell on the baby clothes. She smiled as she folded them one by one. Luna loves children. Something people don't see her show much. She absolutely adores babies and children.

The door swung open and Lucas ran inside with the bags. "I forgot the baby carrier!!!!" He shouted as he ran back out with the baby carrier.

"Calm down, Lucas!!" Luna laughed. Lucas ran and slammed the door shut. Luna shook her head. It was rare of him to be so disorganised. But that was some of the moments he did.


To be in a relationship needs more than just love.

Luna watched as both Hala and Lucas cooed over their baby. She was packing up and ready to leave.

"Luna wait up," Hala stopped her.

"What's up? Do you need anything?"
"Nah. I just want to catch up," Hala pulled the dining chair. Luna too sat down.

"How's everything?"
"Hala, cut the chase. What do you want to talk about?"

Hala smiled. She can never trick Luna. Luna could read her so well. Hala reached for Luna's cheek and pinched it softly.

"You and Hendery, are you guys okay?"
"Yeah. We're fine," Luna nodded. "Really, Luna?"

Luna pulled away and looked down. She chuckled slowly before shaking her head. "Nah. We broke up."

"Luna... . I think you should know something about him," Hala hesitated for a moment before deciding to proceed.

Luna looked up to Hala and smiled. "I know."

"You know what?"
Luna took a deep breath, "You wanna tell me that Hendery is sick. Right?" she smiled but her smile wasn't the usual smile. Hala froze.

"He's a bad liar, Hala. The worst."

Hala laughed when Luna said Hendery was a bad liar. She agreed to it. He's indeed a bad liar.

"Then, you know he's struggling right now?"

Luna nodded slowly. Her throat felt sandy. Her heart sunk to her stomach. Hala reached for Luna's hands and squeezed them softly.

"Luna, don't hide. Don't play to his game. Tell him."
"A bit too late, Hala. I've been playing the game for too long."
"Then time to stop."

"I can't, Hala."

I can't. I can't break him. Not like this. Not this way.

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