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Previously in Knee Socks:

"Billy... I really don't want my clothes to be all wet. I'll have a lot of explaining to do to my dad especially when he gets a call from the school about me skipping."

"Well, you could take them off... but I know it's going to take more than me shaking in your arms for that to happen," Billy slyly remarks, knowing he's gotten me a little wound up.

"I'm glad you know me so well! Now can we please go before my knee socks are ruined? I really like these ones," I plead, knowing that the mention of my knee socks will get a rise out of him.

"I like them too. Wouldn't want them to get ruined before I'm able to slide them off with my teeth. C'mon," he takes my hand that is clammy after his sexual statement and leads me back to his car.

I was really starting to warm up to Billy, especially after seeing such a soft and tender side to him. I knew there was more to him than the hard exterior he portrayed to everyone else, and I was more than ready to find out what else he could surprise me with.

I knew today would have consequences but in the moment, leaning against Billy's denim jacket as we walked back to his car, I didn't care. It was all worth it. Even the dirty knee socks.


The drive home allowed time for me to second guess every decision I made today, and to scold myself for being someone I'm not. I tried to convince myself that I couldn't help the fact that Billy made me want to go outside my comfort zone and do different things.

If only I could explain to my dad the circumstances, but I knew he would never understand.I told Billy to park a couple of blocks away so that my dad wouldn't see him when I got home. I wanted Billy to eventually meet my dad and the only way that would ever be accepted was if my dad had no idea of Billy's antics.

"See you tomorrow, princess," Billy says with a smirk as I place a kiss on his cheek, leaving behind a great day.

"See you tomorrow, Hargrove," I say, a touch of slight disappointment lacing my tone.

As I approached my house, I noticed the colors red and blue reflecting off of my face. A herd of cop cars surrounded my front yard, a police officer talking to my father who looked in duress. I decided to start walking faster to my house, assuming that this whole scene was happening because of me.

"Dad? Dad! What's going on?" I shout frantically as I speed-walk to the front door. I notice my father's tear-stained face and red-rimmed eyes as I get closer.

I parade through at least 10 police officers, anxiety burning with each step. My father recognizes my voice and comes marching towards me, anger replacing his previously saddened features.

"Lacey, where the hell have you been?" He asks sternly, crossing his arms over his chest. "I almost sent a search party out for you!" His arms are instantly uncrossed, now flailing in the air instead.

"Are all of these cops here for me?" I wonder, looking around at how many there were and thinking there's no way this was all because of me.

"No," my father says with a sigh. "It's your mother, she..." My father's voice trails off as a sob catches in his throat.

My heart falters. "She what, dad? What happened to mom?"

"She's gone, Lacey. She's gone." Having never seen my father cry before, I knew that this meant more than just a "mother left us" situation.

As shock begins to set in, I am unable to feel what my dad is feeling. I don't cry, I don't move. I can't move. The only thing that I can think about is how nothing, from this point forward, will ever be the same.

Knee Socks | Billy Hargrove AUWhere stories live. Discover now