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I ran out of the house, not wanting to see or hear anything going on in my surroundings. I felt so dumbfounded, so clueless, even a little repulsed.

I couldn't handle the sight of Billy's bloody hands anymore. The memory of his wicked grin was encompassing my drunk thoughts, and all I wanted to do was scream.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration, taking a seat on the wooden bench Penny Brooke had on her huge lawn.

I knew a fight was going to break out, I just wasn't expecting it to be between Steve and the new guy, who I am attracted to, of course.

I looked up for a split second, and to my surprise I notice a limping Steve walking out. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I realized my best friend, Nikki, was guiding him out.

His body laid limp against hers, he looked awful. His face was covered in blood and cuts, making me want to go back inside and yell at Billy. 

I didn't have to go inside because Billy was following behind Nikki and Steve.

"Hey!" I shout confidently towards Billy, causing him to turn around and our eyes to lock. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I shout, stomping over to him like a drunk idiot.

"Damn, baby, I knew I'd have you screaming but I didn't picture it in this way." He responds nonchalantly, his signature smirk placed on his plump lips.

I wanted to slap that look right off his face, but I managed to keep my hands to myself.

"Don't speak to me that way! You are disgusting and I hope I never have to see your face again!" I yelled at him, knowing I would regret all of this in the morning.

His eyes darken at my words. "Trust me, Lacey Myers, I don't want to be anywhere near you." His words stung but I don't let it show that I'm offended.

"Good." I finish with the last word, catching up with Nikki and Steve who stopped to watch the scene.

"Are you okay?" Nikki asks, noticing my teary eyes. Why did I have to be so sensitive? It's not like Billy means anything to me.

"I'm fine." I ignore the pain in my chest, trying my best to forget about the events of tonight. "How's Steve getting home?" I ask Nikki, figuring that Steve was too beat up to speak.

Nikki gives me a look and says, "Can he stay at yours? My parents are probably still awake and yours go to bed at like 8." She pleads with puppy eyes.

I roll mine. "My parents will kill me if they find out he stayed over! Why can't we just walk him home?" I ask, hoping she'd agree.

"No, Lacey. My parents can't see me like this," Steve finally speaks for himself, surprising me.

I sigh, wanting to put up a fight but not finding the energy to, "Fine."

Nikki squeals and pulls me in for a hug, causing Steve to stumble onto the ground. I reach for him, helping him back up.

"You're a mess, Steve." I tell him honestly, making him chuckle.

"Don't have to tell me that twice," he responds, and it seems there's a deeper meaning behind his words.

"Let's go before you pass out from blood loss," I say with sarcasm laced in my voice.

He leans on me the entire way home, which doesn't bother me but he was quite heavy.

"Have you got him from here?" Nikki asks me as we reach her house.

"I think so," I say, although I'm still unsure about this plan.

"Okay, good. Goodnight, Steve. Stop getting into fights!" She says, and he nods in acknowledgement before she walks off into her house.

After a few minutes we have reached my house, and my nerves start to actually hit me. Steve Harrington, the most popular guy in my school, was going to be staying at my house.

"Be quiet, absolutely no noises whatsoever. Can you manage getting up the stairs?" I whisper before I opened my front door.

He nods, and I am grateful that he is so compliant.

We made it upstairs to my room and my nerves still hadn't calmed down. It's not everyday Steve Harrington ends up in your room.

He immediately takes a seat on my bed, while I go to my bathroom to grab a washcloth. I wet it with warm water and get Neosporin to help heal his cuts.

I walk back into my room to see him sitting in the same exact position, staring at my wall.

"Everything okay?" I speak first, not sure if he was ever going to talk.

He snaps out of his gaze, "Yeah, yeah, sorry I was just looking at that picture." He points to the one of me and my late sister, Lucy.

"Oh, that's me and my sister, Lucy. She passed away when I was thirteen," I tell him. His eyebrows raise in shock and I can tell he feels bad for saying anything.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." He apologizes sincerely, and now I'm the one who is surprised by his sincerity.

"It's okay, let's get you cleaned up." I change the subject, knowing if we talk about Lucy any longer I will get upset.

"Thank you again for letting me stay." He says as I sit beside him on my bed. He turns his head towards me so I can get to work, butterflies unwillingly erupting in my stomach.

"Of course, just make sure you're out before my parents wake up." I remind him as I dab the washcloth over his messy face. His lip was severely busted and there were cuts along his jawline and forehead. "He really messed you up, huh?" I say, referring to Billy. 

He winces when I run across his lower lip, causing me to instantly pull away. "I'm sorry, am I hurting you?" I ask in concern.

He doesn't say anything, he just brings my hand back up to his lip to keep cleaning. I tried to ignore the feeling in my stomach as I gently finish cleaning his face.

"Your touch is so gentle and sweet." He comments, making me blush immediately. I don't respond, I just pay attention to applying the Neosporin to his bad spots.

"There, you're all cleaned up." I say, getting up from my bed to throw out the dirty washcloth. My parents could never see it.

"Thank you so much, I owe you." He responds seriously, making me look up at him. I catch a glimpse of something in his eyes I can't place, but shake it off.

"You don't owe me anything, it's just a favor. Now let's go to bed. I'll sleep on the floor." I offer.

"What? No. That's ridiculous, it's your house you get to sleep in your own bed." He says with furrowed eyebrows.

"But you're the one in pain, you deserve the bed." I retort, hoping he would just agree so we could go to sleep and forget this ever happened.

"Lacey, I'm completely fine. We could always share the bed, it's big enough for us to be on our own sides." He explains, making my stomach start to hurt.

I have never slept in the same bed with a boy, and it was Steve, so who knew what he could be plotting. But I didn't really want to sleep on the floor, and I didn't want to make him sleep on the floor either.

I sigh, giving in to his idea. "Fine, but we stay on our own sides and absolutely no touching."

He smiles giddily, and I already knew this was a bad plan.

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