Just a "normal" day Pt.1

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Annie's POV

The scouts get up early each and every day, even before sun rises. They get up to train for... well, death.

Annie opens her eyes and it's actually sunny

Annie-*mumbles* "must have come up early"

Annie turns over to her other side where Mikasa is, she plays with her hair a bit before she dozed off.

Eren- *slam* "Guys you have to wake up, both of you are very late!"
Annie-"why'd you have to slam the door jeager"
Eren-"I'm not the one you should be complaining about leonheart" Eren says mockingly
Annie-"oh shut up, we'll be out in a moment"

Eren leaves then annie sits up and stretches and notices that Mikasa is still in a heavy slumber. She leans towards mikasa's ear.

Annie- *whispers* "Mikasaaaa, you have to wake up"
She pecks her ear and a second after she sees a little blush
Annie-"ohhh so you are awake"
Mikasa-"Shhh I'm sleeping" she says with a smile
Annie-"I know but Keith will not be any more happy if we stay in bed"
Mikasa-"Mhm mhm, I'm getting up"

Both Mikasa and Annie get up and get ready. The whole time they where getting ready they stared at one another with huge smiles and a small bit of blushing. Mikasa got done a bit quicker but before she could walk out the door Annie tugged her back and shut the door.

Annie-"Where do you think you're going" she says with a snicker
Mikasa-" come on, you just said all that about Keith and how he not gonna be so happy"
Annie-"Yeah I know but it's not like he will want to get rid of us, so"
Mikasa-" we are only the best of the best" she says softly as she gets closer to Annie's lips

Mikasa and Annie stand for a long kiss while annie slowly turns mikasa to the wall and gently pushes her back until she lands softly. Mikasa pulls her head away a bit.

Mikasa-" Annie Leonheart I love you so much"
Annie-"Well Mikasa Ackerman, you're lucky I love you more"

They both fall back into a long and deep kiss, for a moment for them both, it felt like nothing existed, like they where floating and the only thing they would think of was each other.

Annie-"Now I suppose we can go and sweat and train and be gross"
Mikasa-" And then give each other the nastiest hugs and make out" she say with over exaggeration and laughs.

Both pull away from one another and walk out the door.

Both-" Yea sir!"

Mikasa and Annie go through the day glancing at each other and smiling while almost killing all the other soldiers.

Keith-*mumbles to himself* "Not even that mad, they are literally both the best of these maggots" Than he takes a sip of coffee (#more Recognition for Keith 😭)

Hours pass, everyone finishes up and talks to one another, some telling jokes, and some talking about the worst, and some just enjoying what they have for now. After everyone finishes they all head to the showers (The showers dead be the main character now 🙄☝🏼)

Ymir-" Soooo, why where the apparent best soldiers so late" she says with a snobby make fun tone
Annie-" well um w-"
Christa-"Ymir, if I promise to marry you, will you stop teasing them"
Ymir-"Ah heck yeah"
Christa-" You're so annoying"
Ymir-" I know"
Christa rolls her eyes and give Ymir and small quick peck.
Mikasa-"They're funny"
Annie-" Cute couple, but I don't think Christa will last much longer"
Mikasa-" Annie that's so mean"
Annie-" I only mean to kid"
They finish off their showers and get ready for dinner.

This is the end of part one for this chapter, hope y'all are liking it 😩✌🏼, and tell me if I spelt something wrong so I don't look stupid 💀

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