That hill

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Both Mikasa and Annie arrive to a far, hidden, and peaceful hill

Mikasa-" Annie, please tell me what's wrong"
Annie-" I can't... I mean is it my fault, is it his, is it theirs, who's to say... I mean now I'm here and- and"

Annie breaks down entirely, tears flows like rivers, she can not breath

Mikasa-" Hey, hey it's ok, please Annie, look at me, I'm right here "
Annie-"I can't breathe, I can't think straight"
Mikasa-" Ok, I need you to just sit for a moment"

Mikasa takes things and sets up camp as fast as she could while Annie is crying her years away

Mikasa-" Annie come on, let's get you inside"
Mikasa-" Come close"
Annie moves in for a hug, Mikasa starts to rub her back
Mikasa-" Ok, now don't think, just breathe"
For what seemed like hours Mikasa and Annie sat in that position just listening to each other breathing and heartbeats
Mikasa- " Are you okay to talk now"
Annie-" Yes"
Annie sits up and gets proper
Mikasa-" Now what is the matter"
Annie-" Well, today when it got loud at dinner, it just set me off. As a kid with only my father we got into fights and yelling and all he kept doing was pushing me to my limit till I couldn't stand anymore. Towards the end me, Reiner, and Bert got stuck into this situation and we did something bad, something very bad."
Mikasa-" What was it"
Annie-" No, I can't say. This whole time I've been so angry, but when you came into my life I had completely forgotten until today, when you said I love you, I had one thought that turned into a million and it made me remember everything"
Annie-" I mean how could I be so happy and Angry at the same time, and shit this might be the worst way to ask but, Mikasa I love you, you bring me peace and happiness.... Will you be mine forever and I don't know, marry me"
Mikasa- "Wow, I... yes, absolutely"
They lean in and kiss softly
Annie-" we have this all to ourselves"
Mikasa-" just as I was thinking"

Mikasa and Annie start to kiss softly but they become more passionate and long, Mikasa removes Annie's shirt and bra and starts to kiss down her body slowly. She takes off her own shirt and bra ,undoes Annie pants, and removes her underwear.

Mikasa-" So pretty"
Annie blushes and looks away
Annie- "Don't, it's embarrassing"
Mikasa-" Their is nothing to be embarrassed about, your body is beautiful"

Mikasa softly kisses and then licks Annie's gorgeous wet Vagina, Annie let's put a soft moan, Mikasa proceeds and starts to slowly enter in two fingers

Annie-"AH, Mikasa"
Mikasa-" Are you ok, let me know if you want me to stop"
Annie-" N- o please don't, keep going"

Mikasa continues, slowly, softly, but pleasurably. Annie fills the air with soft moans and heavy breathing. To them the rest of the night felt unreal and sensual, like they could breath easily with one another. They slept peacefully, Annie lying in Mikasa's arms cuddled in a thick warm blanket, as if everything that was happening outside of their relationship didn't exist. But sadly morning came and they had to pack up and go back to everyone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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