So I've been wanting to do this for a long time but I never really got the chance to! So now I can finally put all of my (some-what) good-looking drawings in here! I hope you enjoy them!!
Yes I am back bitches, and I have with me some new art to look at so let's get into it already cuz it's past 2 in the morning and I'm sleep deprived-
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Alright, so these beauties are me and my husband's (blue_kitty_boi )BABIES- they are our BAKUDEKU children and we love them DEARLY- (before you ask yes; I am aware they are ponies we have been over the fact that I cannot draw humans-)
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Okay so this one kinda ties into Nightstar's backstory but basically she was adopted by Deathsong (the alicorn) because her egg was abandoned so yeah- this is them looking at fireflies together because DAMMIT I FELT THE NEED TO BE WHOLESOME-
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This is a speedy sketch I did of me and my husband because FUCK YOU WE'RE CUTE >:0 (also I did this because she was feeling down and I'll be DAMNED if I EVER overlook her sadness-)
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Okay so this is my friend's OC, Smokey Sunset; I LOVE HER DESIGN OKAY?! When we first met, I was completely honest and told her "you do realize she's just a rainbow dash recollect right?" Well to no one's surprise she was a little ticked off at me for that DJXBFDJ- so when we started talking again, I offered to give her a bit of a redesign to spice things up a bit and GAWD DAYUM DOES SHE LOOK FINE- sometimes my genius is frightening 0-0
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This is my husband AGAIN because she deserves love dammit, so GIVE HER SOME- anyways I drew her OC as a princess because, once again, she was feeling down so I decided to cheer her up like the AMAZINGLY MANLY husband I am-
Anyways that's all I have for you guys this time around! Sorry there isn't as much as I'd hoped, but that's mostly because I've been extremely preoccupied with family affairs and what-not.
That being said, if I can somehow find time within my busy schedule, I will continue doodling and making really cool shit for you guys to enjoy :) also yes, I do plan on continuing my BillDip one shots book but for some reason I decided NOW would be a GREAT time to start a BAKUDEKU ONE SHOTS BOOK because I don't have enough on my plate apparently-
Well anyways, see you guys in the next update! Ciao~