So I've been wanting to do this for a long time but I never really got the chance to! So now I can finally put all of my (some-what) good-looking drawings in here! I hope you enjoy them!!
How are we doin?? Good?? Good cuz hold your ass cheeks, I got some good shit for y'all-
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Okay, so recently I've been making a LOT of OCs for people. I don't really know why but it's fun so- this is one of many OCs that I made for myself! Her name is Silent Arrow and ig she is supposed to be co-captain of the Royal Guard(??) IDFK man I was inspired to draw a mare with scars NOW MOVING ON-
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Seriously, that show is to DIE FOR! It's funny, is creepy, it's dark, and it's even a little cute if I'm being honest- This was my first digital drawing of Popee and I LOVE IT SM-
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Okay so this one was really just me being bored (despite having a SHITE ton of backed work for school-) so I took it upon myself to look up cute pictures of Lyra and BonBon so I could recreate it in my artstyle :D
Seriously the amount of free time I think I have is amazing-
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Ah sheet, here we go again-
YES. I KNOW. IM GONNA KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT ABOUT HER DAMN REFF SHEET- As I have said many a time before, Nightstar continues to change along with my artstyle. Until I can find a place in my life where my artstyle doesn't seem to change, I will finally rest my case and say "ah, now this is her completed Reference sheet!"
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Okay so this one took much longer than it should have, but basically it is my OC and my husband's OC being ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE TOGETHER- ya'll can't say they are not SO ADORABLE TOGETHER cuz I'd pimpsmack the FUCK OUTCHU-
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0o0 !! What's this!? Something OTHER than PONIES!?! Who would have ever guessed that THE PONY ACC would draw HUMANS-
If I'm being perfectly honest, I shocked myself when I did this. Now before you ask: yes, I did trace this. Yes, I am aware that I must credit the original artist(the artist is literally the chick working on Welcome to Hell 2 if you haven't watched the first one I HIGHLY suggest you do so NOW-). Sometimes, if my body decides "hey! So I don't really feel like FuNkTiOniNg today-" usually, I'll find something that looks easy enough to trace and color and I'll suddenly be SUPER INSPIRED TO FINISH IT COMPLETELY. So basically a coloring book-
ANYWAYS! I know it isn't much of a comeback, but I knew that at least SOME people enjoy looking at this garbage! Well I hope that ya'll are doing the best you can to survive whatever the F U C K is going on in the world rn, and I'll see you all later!!
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