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Today Rosie looked around the room. Having already had breakfast, kai, her older brother had gone to play upstairs. Her dad was at work and her mum was cleaning. She looked around the room and noticed how untidy the bookcase was. Books were thrown everywhere, upside down, back to front, it certainly needed a tidy up. Rosie rolled her eyes and looked up towards the ceiling as if Kai could see her. She knew he was responsible for the state of the books on the shelves.

Rosie took the books from each shelf and laid them on the floor in piles of five. She picked them up one by one, looked at the book then returned it to the shelf.

Most of the books had been returned when Rosie saw a book that interested her. It was a book about fairies. She opened the book and saw all the beautiful pictures inside. Rosie quickly put the remaining books that were sat on the floor back onto the shelf. Rosie then sat down on the brown carpet to read the fairy book.

As Rosie opened the book she saw all the different fairies. 'How wonderful it would be to go to Fairyland' she thought.

As she turned page after page something quite amazing happened. In front of Rosie and all around her there laid luscious green grass. Looking at the pictures she imagined herself in Fairyland!

As Rosie looked up and viewed her surroundings, she saw she was no longer sat on the brown carpet, she was here in Fairyland!

The grass was green, flowers of all colours could be seen all over the land. .. but.. where were the fairies?

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