thirteen ,,the drowning room

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chapter thirteen

the drowning room

Somebody was here.

Time seemed to stop, but only for my personal perception. Ian wasted no time squeezing himself between stacks of boxes in an overstuffed closet, Corey hiding his own lanky body behind the refrigerator.

I was frozen in place, hands shaking as anxiety rippled through my body. I felt like I was suffocating. There was no way Kyler came back from his stupid lacrosse camp- unnoticed, at that- just to check on his marijuana supply. So who was coming down the stairs? Were we about to to go to jail? Or worse, end up dead in a ditch? Oh god, what about Freddie? Alone in that giant house without his cousin and both of his siblings-

"Ringo!" Robby hissed, grabbing for my hand. "We need to hide, now!"

Still on an anxious spiral, I allowed Robby to drag me over to an empty cupboard under the sink. Dazed, I ducked inside, using a metal basked that had been screwed to the inside to ease the door closed behind me as quietly as possible. On his side, Robby left the door open slightly to let some light into the tight space, and allow us to see the other trespasser.

We were crammed underneath the sink, sitting with our back's against the cabinet's dividers, knees pulled up to our chins yet legs still touching each other.

I was shaking.

Robby's face softened in the blue light of the moonlight in the basement. With a slight frown on his face, the Keene boy reached for my hand, lacing his fingers with mine. "Ringo, you're shaking."

"No sh-sh-shit, Sh-Sherlock." I stuttered, my teeth chattering together from nerves. Whoever was coming down the stairs was passing us now, his voice audible.

"Kyler, man, I've got this. Just tell me the code for the weed safe."

It was Brucks.

But I could barely focus on the fact that Brucks was in on Kyler's little scheme due to my proximity with a certain shaggy-haired brunet. My heart was racing, but now it wasn't just from the pure anxiety of getting caught doing something that could send me to juvie.

It was racing because of how close my face was to Robby's.

My foot was tapping rapidly against the floor, Robby's hand moving to my knee to still the movement. My hand snapped to my mouth, to stop me from crying out surprise and longing, something Robb misinterpreted as anxiety and fear.

"Ringo." He whispered "Hey, look at me. You're safe here. Brucks is just going to get what he needs from the safe, and then he's gone. He'll never even know we were here."

I took my shaking palm away from my mouth, listening out for Brucks as I repsonded. "Are-are you s-su-sure?"

Robby's hand moved from my knee to the side of my face.

God damn it, our faces were close. Too close.

The safe was creaking closed, Brucks speaking reassurances to Kyler over the phone as the painting clicked back into place. He got what he came here for, now it was time for the lacrosse player to leave.

I don't even know what I was thinking as I heard Brucks retreating into the basement.
I reached up to Robby's arm, gently coiling my fingers around the wrist that was cupping my face, my breathing irregular. Well, more or less irregular than it would be if I was doing this anywhere else.

I moved so slow I could barely tell I was moving at all, but Robby seemed to get it. He brought my face to his, gently caressing my cheek with his thumb as he captured my lips in his, cradling my face like it was the most precious thing in the world.

I'd never done this before, but it seemed to be second nature as my lips knew exactly what to do, matching his soft ones in movement, smearing my mint chap stick all over his lips so it mingled with the kiss.

I was breathing heavily, leaning over in the cupboard we were hiding in. My knees rested on the floor, my foot nudging a bottle of Tide as I tried anything to get closer to Robby, the tip of my head dusting the underside of the counter as his back slid down the wall to try and accommodate us both in that small space, our faces connected together.

We had no idea if Brucks was gone yet, the creaking of the stairs slipping our minds as all we could hear was the sound of our lips moving against each other and the heavy panting of our breaths.

The cabinet door creaked open quietly, a sound neither of us noticed.

Until we heard Corey scream out in horror. "Dude, what the hell?"

Jumping at the sound, I pulled my hood up over my face to hide the pink tinge from my brother, who was grinning like a maniac. "Hah, Ricky owes me twenty bucks." Then his face took an a serious tone as Robby turned to look at him. Corey shined the flashlight directly in his face. "Your hands stayed over her clothes, right muchacho?"

"Corey!" I scolded, climbing out of the cupboard. "Drop it."

"Fine." Corey relented, turning off his flashlight as Robby stumbled back to his feet. "But you an I are talking about this in the morning."

"Fine." I snapped, emotions still running high. My skin felt hot, especially where Robby Keene had touched me. I was too nervous to even meet his eyes. "We got what we came for, let's just go."

"Technically, you're wrong. We found something even better." Ian corrected, his mind still on all the weed we weren't letting him take.

"Be quiet, Ian." Robby skulked, leading the way out of the basement and over to the cellar doors. "Please tell me you got that other guy on tape?"

"Psssht, of course I did." Corey grinned. "Who do you think I am if not one of the highest grossing YouTubers of the year?" That was a lie and he knew it. "Figured you might want more blackmail material to get us back in here, you know, so we can find the Karkaroff fortune and all."

I shook my head, making my way up the rickety metal ladder. Going up was much easier than coming down was. "Let's face it, guys. This was half assed at best. The gold probably isn't even here."

I needed to do more research, and next time I was coming back without the peanut gallery of my extended family with me.


so sorry this update took so long!

yeah, so there's probably only going to be 25 or so chapters, so expect the unexpected in thos that come soon.  .  .

seriously, there's gonna be karate rivalry ( obvi ), there's going to be intense makeout sessions and there's going to be literal gold ( also obvi )

seriously, there's gonna be karate rivalry ( obvi ), there's going to be intense makeout sessions and there's going to be literal gold ( also obvi )

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