fifteen ,, locker room bully

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chapter fifteen

locker room bully

"Robert Swazye Keene, I have to go to class!" I giggled, pulling away from the boy and grabbing my backpack from the floor.

Robby had played it smart and snuck out of the house around three in the morning, leaving a hastily scrawled note on the bedside table before Corey and Ian, or god-forbid Freddie noticed that he had stayed the night and I had a lot of explaining to do.

We met up again when I got to school, and we hadn't been able to keep our hands off each other, hiding for teachers and their prying eyes in the stairwell before English class.

But now I really needed to go.

"You can be half a minute late, Ringo." Robby grinned, pulling me closer before kissing me on the nose. "You're never late, I'm sure Mr. Poston will make an exception."

I kissed him again before responding with "He's the strictest of my four teachers, so no. You're wrong, and Poston will make a major deal out of it."

"Fine." Robby gave in with a grin. "I will see you at lunch. But I get one more kiss."

He grabbed me by the hand and pulled me closer, planting a deep, gentle kiss on my lips. And then one turned to two, and two turned to three-

"Hey Ringo!"

At the sound of Samantha LaRusso's voice, we broke apart, and I turned around with a smile. Sam was standing with a knowing look on her face, copy of The Haunting Of Hill House tucked under her arm. Assigned reading for English class.

"Sam!" I said, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. "We should go if we want to make it to class in time." I started to say, cut off by the school bell and the soundtrack of "Material Girl" by Madonna to encourage us all to get to class.

"We gotta go!" Samantha said, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me up the stairs and I leaned over the railing to give Robby one last kiss before heading to English.

Once we were clear of the stairwell, and well on our way to the crowded English Hallway, Sam grinned. "So, you and Robby, huh?"

"Shut up." I blushed. "You're one to talk, always sucking face with Miguel. So much for dojo loyalty."

"I'm just saying." The LaRusso girl laughed. "Ringo Keene has a nice ring to it."

"So does Samantha Diaz."

"Touche, Fallon. Touche."

We slowed our pae when we reached the door to the classroom, sending chipper smiles in Mr. Poston's direction before taking our seats with Demetri at the back of the room, Hawk Moskowitz glaring at me from his corner.

Demetri glared right back at Eli as Sam and I took our seats, the tension between Cobra Kai and Miyai-do seeming thicker than ever in the air. "What's his problem?"

"Ignore him, 'Metri." I said lowly, my phone buzzing in my back pocket. I took out my phone, smiling down at the screen, where Robby had sent me a picture where he was holding a bottle of grape crush, captioned 'please have a crush on me. like the drink.'

Ringo: you absolute moron. grape isn't even a decent flavour

Robby: oi meet me at h*wks locker in the tech hall, im gonna get him back for the other day

God help us all.

After English, I did what Robby said and headed to the tech hall, where I knew Eli Moskowitz's locker was. I didn't see Robby, but I did see a clumsily rigged industrial pail suspended over top one of the lockers.

"Ringo!" A voice hissed form behind. "Ringo Amy Fallon!"

I spun around at the use of my full name, shocked to find Robby hiding in an alcove behind a trash can. I moved out of sight quickly, sinking into the shadows next to my lover as he pulled me in for a kiss.

"Hey hey, watch this." Robby grinned cheekily as Hawk waltzed up to one of the pale blue lockers with Tory Nichols and Miguel Diaz, quicky spinning the combination without even looking. Robby was practically vibrating with excitement, and my heart sped up when I realized that the locker Hawk was opening was the very one the pail was on top of.

"Robert Swayze," I said, giddiness seeping into my voice. "what did you do?"

Robby grinned like a maniac. "You'll see In three, two-"

He never finished counting. Before Robby could reach 'one', Hawk pulled his locker door open, tipping the Home Depot pail off its precarious balance, fluorescent pink paint raining down on the three Cobra Kai's- Tory and Miguel indirectly, a majority of the paint landing on Hawk himself.

The Moskowitz boy was fuming, and if this was a cartoon there would be steam puring out of his ears.

"Who fucking did this!?" He boomed, voice carrying down the hallway as students stopped filiming and taking pictures, tucking phones into their pockets and taking off before Hawk could unleash his full wrath on the innocent bystanders, myslef included.

This was Robby's idea, not mine, and I will stand by that until I graduate.

"Hey Ringo." Robby said loudly, done with all the secrecy.

"Yeah, Robby?" I said back, voice equally raised yet still somewhat muted over the noise of West Valley High.


We took off with a laugh, Hawk running after us while screaming unitelligible threats.

We took off with a laugh, Hawk running after us while screaming unitelligible threats

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