Hello World

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I'm going to start this blog with a bit of non-fiction writing. My goal, as it has always been for the last fifteen years, is to develop and grow as a creative writer. A fiction writer, more precise. My aim is simple: start writing. Doesn't matter what. Doesn't matter if it's cliche or boring or imperfect. I know as a writer I'm imperfect. But I want to get better, which I can't do without writing.

I want to start writing and developing short stories. So, whilst this post is probably more aptly described as a diary entry, sent out to the void of the internet, on a blog with zero followers and probably never read by anyone other than myself, this is how I'm getting started. With a lingering headache, a cup of coffee at 7pm, and a cat asleep on my feet.I want to start writing and developing short stories. So, whilst this post is probably more aptly described as a diary entry, sent out to the void of the internet, on a blog with zero followers and probably never read by anyone other than myself, this is how i'm getting started. With a lingering headache, a cup of coffee at 7pm, and a cat asleep on my feet. So, whilst this is probably more aptly described as a diary entry, sent out to the void of the internet, on a blog with zero followers and probably never read by anyone other than myself, this is how i'm getting started. With a lingering headache, a cup of coffee at 7pm, and a cat asleep on my feet.

I'm not expecting this blog to go anywhere. I've had enough tumblr accounts and other blogs in the past to know that I'm never going to get a major following, and that's not exactly what I'm after. In all honesty, what I am hopeful for is the opportunity to write, and I hope that creating this space to write a post will, in effect, create some sort of feigned motivation to continue writing and continue posting. It's what I've done with my art blog. I draw what could be argued as probably annoyingly repetitive images of a character from a game (affectionately dubbed Runner Five) and I'm still surprised to realise that apparently people have positive responses to that art. Apparently people get some sort of happiness from seeing those posts.

So, that has always been my goal. If I can say that I've made even one person's day a little bit brighter, then it's been a good day.

If only one person happens upon this blog, and gets a little bit of enjoyment from whatever I may post here, then this blog has achieved what it set out to do. In turn, that has always been the best motivation for me. 

Hello WorldWhere stories live. Discover now