Reunion Between Friends!

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Ruby Pov

I was laying down in bed, playing a game on my scroll while everyone else is doing their own thing. Weiss is studying, Blake is reading her... Uh... "Filthy" book Ninjas of Love, and Yang is playing a game on her phone. I suddenly got a text from Ozpin, telling me to go to his office alone, which confuses me. I got up and went out the door.

Yang: Where you going Ruby?

Ruby: Going to Ozpin's office.

Yang: Do we need to go too?

Ruby: No, he said only I need to go. I'm confused as to why.

Weiss: He must have a reason to.

Ruby: Yea. I better going. It's probably important. I'll be back.

I then left my dorm and head to Ozpin's office.

Short Timeskip

The elevator doors opened to Ozpin's office.

Ruby: What do you want Ozpi-

I see a guy who looks familiar. He turned around and see my old childhood friend, y/n.

 He turned around and see my old childhood friend, y/n

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(a/n: Your outfit and weapon)

y/n: Hey Ruby. It's been a while.

I used my semblance to speed towards him and nearly tackled him to the ground with a hug.

Ruby: I missed you so much!

I stopped hugging him.

Ruby: How have you been?

y/n: I've been doing pretty good. I heard you're a leader of your own team.

Ruby: Yea, I am. It's called team RWBY. Wait, why are you here?

Ozpin: He's joining Beacon. And the reason I called you up here is because he'll be staying in your dorm till we have a dorm ready for him.

Ruby: Wait, really?!

I'm so happy that y/n is joining Beacon! That means I can see him every day!

Ruby: Come on y/n! I'll take you to my dorm!

I grabbed him and used my semblance to get us to the elevator as fast as I can.

Short Timeskip

After a while of telling y/n about my team, we reached my dorm. I opened the door wide open and walked in.

Ruby: Everyone, I want to introduce you to someone that'll be staying with us for a while.

I moved out of the for y/n to walk in.

Yang: y/n?!

Yang got off her bed and walked towards y/n.

Yang: It's been a while since I've seen you. You've grown up to be such a cutie.

y/n: Well, my mom always said that I'm a cute kid.

Yang: Oh, so you're a mama's boy. I can be your mommy.

Yang gave y/n a wink. For some reason, seeing y/n blush red makes me feel jealous for some reason. Does y/n likes Yang flirting with him?

y/n Pov


Ruby Pov

Ruby: Well... Um... y/n. That over there is Blake. And that is-

y/n: Weiss.

Weiss: y/n.

Yang: You two know each other?

Weiss: We do. Our families companies are rivals. Even though our companies have different products.

Yang: Wait. You never told us your family owns a company y/n.

y/n: There's never a reason to.

Weiss: His family owns Capsule Corp.

Blake: And his family supports Faunus rights and have some as staff members with equal pay as humans and does not tolerate discrimination towards Faunus, which is why the White Fang never targeted them till Adam came along.

y/n: You know a lot about my family's support of Faunus and the White Fang. Even Adam too.

Blake: You know Adam?

y/n: Yea. I fought him a few times. How do you know him.

Blake: I uh... Used to be in the White Fang... Before they started attacking your family's company.

y/n: Oh, ok.

Ruby: You're not mad at her?

y/n: I can't judge her without even knowing her.

Blake: Thank you y/n.

Short Timeskip

y/n was talking to my team and hanging out. He was telling us how he was trained by his father and his other friend's older brother. For some reason I want it to be just us.

Ruby: Um... Hey y/n.

y/n: Yes Ruby?

Ruby: Do you want to hangout, just us sometime.

y/n had a slight blush when I asked that.

y/n: Sure.

Ruby: When do you want us to-

y/n: Now can be fine.

Yang looked at me, then y/n, then back to me and gave me smirk.

Ruby: Oh, o-okay. Let's go then.

y/n: Alright. See ya later girls.

y/n got up and walked with me out of the door.

Yang: Make sure you two use protection!

Ruby: Yang!

3rd Person Pov

Narrator: With y/n and Ruby finally reunited and now going out into town, will they come across a threat that Team RWBY never faced? Or will they have a nice peaceful day in Vale? Find out next time on RWBY: The Rose's Shining Light.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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