the peculiars

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in which a group of mysterious friends, dare I say peculiar, from Ilvermorny transfer to Hogwarts, after a disastrous event leading to their expulsion

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in which a group of mysterious
friends, dare I say peculiar, from
Ilvermorny transfer to Hogwarts,
after a disastrous event leading
to their expulsion.


———————————— be nice
this one should be obvious. tpwk, kill 'em with kindness, whatever you want to call it. just be nice. its not hard, i promise.

———————————— be active
whether your OC is picked or not, it would be nice if you still read the book, voted and commented. if your OC is picked, this is a requirement. i understand not being there for every update, going on hiatus, having things happen irl, but at least try.

———————————— be organized
if i say, "fill out comment here" put the comment there ffs. i see it everywhere, people putting forms in the wrong spot, and if much rather they all be in the same spot so it's more organized. also, your form itself. comment your user then your form under it (an example will be in the comments). -password number one is your favorite golden trio era character.- please order your form the way the blank form was set up. if you forget something and have to put it at the end, that's fine. but please stick to the setup as much as possible.

———————————— be diverse
please for the love of god, make your characters unique. i don't want any basic white girls or crybaby teens. make your characters special. -password number two is your favorite marauders era character/ship.- all races, genders, sexualities. and, feel free to make as many OCs as you'd like, but if you only make two, if the first is female, the other must be male. if you make more than that the gender is completely up to you.

———————————— be realistic
make sure your character fits with the story. all of the OCs are transferring from Ilvermorny. keep that in mind, and make sure your characters backstory fits. and while yes, this is a Marauders era Harry Potter fic, and yes, characters usually have rougher backstories, be kind to your characters. even my OC has an okay childhood, in this fic at least. also, please make sure your face claim can pull off being a teen. if you go with the younger version of an actor, please specify. Ex: young!Ben Barnes

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