New baby

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Fog surrounded the glorious, decaying manor house that the Addams family call home.

The full moon is bright as a wolf continues to howl.

standing on the roof was Fester Addams Addams he was the one howling like a wolf, at the moon.

Moving towards the cemetery in the corner designated for the burial of pets.
There are tiny headstones, stone angels and crosses. A tiny grave has been đug a mound of đirt sits beside the rectangular hole.

Pugsley, Wednesday and granny kneel by the open grave they each have a little shovel.

A shoebox is taped shut and is sitting on the ground beside Wednesday.

"Dearly beloved..." granny began.

A meow is heard from inside the box.

Wednesday looks down at the box.


On the balcony, in the great room Lurch the faithful Addams butler, played a
Stirring cantata, On the organ.

Gomez was arm-wrestling with thing, the
disembodied hand.

Gomez's face was contorted with determination however it did little, Thing was Winning.

"Arrrgh... yes!"

With a Herculean effort, Gomez pins Thing to the table, winning their arm-wrestling match.

Gomez and Thing shook hands, as gentlemen.

Morticia and alchemy had been watching the wrestling match, Morticia had been finishing her knitting, whereas Alchemy had but given up, knitting was never her forte, and never would be.

She didn't have the patience.

In fact these last few months had been very tough on the usually spirited and active woman.

Her very large bump had restricted her movement, and alchemy found it very hard to move around much these days.

That left her with nothing to do but lay around and be waited on hand and foot by Gomez and Morticia.

Her first trimester had been the most pleasurable, Gomez and Morticia had never been more overjoyed or aroused.

It was not uncommon for them to make love several times a day, every day for 3 months.

Gomez would caress her still flat stomach while they slept.

Alchemy had never felt sexier.

If only she could believe that about herself now.

Don't mistake, alchemy kneww she was very beautiful, but she couldn't say the same for her body.

Not that Gomez nor Morticia believed that.

Alchemy who had been reading looked up at her loves, utterly calm.

"Gomez? Morticia?"

"Cara mia?"

"I think my waters just broke."

The rest of the evening was a rush and soon they were at the hospital

Thing raced down the corridor, pulling open the swinging doors.

Alchemy was on a gurney, surrounded by a bustling group of Doctors, Nurses and interns

Gomez and Morticia were at her side along with Granny, Fester, Lurch and the children.

Despite being fully in labour alchemy remained elegant and unruffled, she was dressed in a lovely and seductive burgundy slip, Morticia was in her usual black gown under a hospital gown and Gomez was in in his usual fine tailoring and a hospital gown.

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