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Luke: "Can I make you some tea?"

Simeon: *half listening while working on RAD assignments* "Yeah, sure."

Luke: "Alright, we have...green tea, detox, and....shimama lay?"

Simeon: *stopping everything* "..what did you call it?"

Luke: *nervously* "Shi...shimama lay???"

Simeon: "It's chamomile.." *takes out his phone*

Luke: "W....wait..!"

Simeon: "I texted everyone ♡♡♡!"

Luke: "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!"


MC: We need to distract these guys

Satan: Leave it to me

Satan: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.

Mammon, Levi, and Asmo: *Immediately begin arguing*

Lucifer, watching in horror: Oh this. I don't like this. I don't like this at all.


Satan, first day as a vet: What's the problem?

Cat: meow

Satan: Yes but where?


MC: calls Lucifer

Lucifer: answers

MC: I'm in a dilemma

Lucifer: I'm in the shower


MC: *out of nowhere* If you spell applesauce, with all 'A's that would give you-

MC, Levi and Mam: AAAAAAAAAA!!!

Luci: I don't know what to do with you three anymore... I cannot deal with you right now.

MC: Stop hating on our fun, Luci.

Luci: I'll "stop hating" when you all are less annoying!

Levi: *under his breath* Well fine, then, Grandpa...

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