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MC: Lucifer told us to buy the good coffee now. Not that cheap knockoff "coffee" you bought from that shady guy you met on the street.

Mammon: Hey! What ya mean 'bout that, huh?! Coffee is coffee, I don't see what's the big deal about it.

MC: That's Lucifer's life support, he needs that to survive. Now come on, let's finish this quick before it gets late. *drags Mammon to the coffee aisle*

Mammon: I don't see it.

MC: Mammon! We barely even looked.

Mammon: Fiiinnneee! *looks at the shelves, before turning back around and facing MC* It's not here.

MC: It's gotta be there somewhere!

Mammon: Hey, do ya not trust the great Mammon!? It's not here!

MC: Maybe we should ask for help, maybe one of the staff knows.

Mammon: No way! The great Mammon could find that on his own! We don't need help from anyone! *drags MC around the store*

Simeon, watching the two from afar: Are we going to tell them that it's in the bottom shelf in front of them?

Solomon, having the time of his life and texting Asmo about this: Give it a few more minutes.


Levi: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.

MC: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.

Levi: Absolutely not.


MC, twirling in Lucifer's jacket: Wee! Look at meee! I'm Count Dracula hehehe!

Satan: So when do you plan on intervening?

Lucifer, shaking as he covers his mouth: I can't.. this is just the most— daddy's proud MC! daddy's proud! *starts clapping*

Lucifer, coughing: Ehem. no offense Satan.


Levi: lmao not the dad instincts kicking in!


Levi: what do we do now?

Asmo: we need an adult

Mammon: i'm an adult



Asmo: we need a different adult 


Luke, asking MC & Simeon: Is it okay if I swear?

MC: Yes, Luke, We will allow you to swear.

Luke: F—

Simeon: Yes, go on.

Luke: I'm nervous. 

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