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*MC checking out demon bros and learning their names*

MC: . . .So I'm going to hell in every religion? *wink*

Simeon: *pleading* MC NO!

Asmo: *ripping his clothes off in record time* mC yEs!!!


Satan, entering MC's room with a book: hey MC, how do you hide a body?

MC: Oh you could just dissolve it in acid or dispose it where no one finds it.

Satan, leaving the room: thanks.


Belphegor, whispering in class: Hey MC, so do you think burying a body 10 ft below ground works more then the ocean?

MC: Well yeah if you have something dead over top of it to make the body harder to fin— hey wait. 


Satan: *walks into the House of Lamentation with a big coat*

Lucifer: What's with the coat?

Satan: *muffled meowing noises*

Satan: Drugs.


Simeon: We call that a traumatic experience.

Simeon, turning to MC: Not a "bruh moment".

Simeon, turning to Solomon: Not "sadge".

Simeon, turning to Leviathan: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO".


MC, in disbelief: What?! Simeon's an angel! There's no way he said that!

Solomon, wiping pickles off: Well your "angel" told me to "respectfully F off" before flinging pickles at me.

MC, turning to Simeon: Is it true Simeon?

Simeon, smiling: Now why would I ever do that little lamb? ^_^

MC: See? Exactly!


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