Lucky guy

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Pallavi's POV
"Pallavi, eat this curd-sugar before leaving."
My mom pulls my hurried self back only to fill my mouth with a spoonful of her luck recipe. Smiling with my puffed out cheeks I wave a bye towards her and my father who is now sitting on the rocking chair with his daily vernacular newspaper. He waves me bye wishing me luck with his proud smile.
Putting on my helmet I once again check my appearance in the side mirror finally exiting from my house compound wall to grab my dream job.
My dream job of being a software designer.
Racing with the currents of the morning breeze I pull the brakes at my destination and enter the building with a nervous and enthusiastic heart.
I am here finally.
I see many people walking in all directions with their professional mannerism in their speech as well as their walk. It makes me feel like a real grown-up. Like seriously, though I am twenty-two till next month I cannot suppress my childish self. Well everyone has some flaws I guess.
Straightening my coat I walk towards the receptionist to ask her the directions of today's interview, finding her busy on the phone trying to arrange a meeting room with some automobile company, hmm interesting, the company also produces new and variant designs that collab with multiple other engineering branches. Well, another reason why I like this company. I involuntarily touch the peachy pearl stone decorating my ear and memories of my grandma flash in front of my eyes. My lips halt into a firm line from the enthusiastic smile as I recall her talking her last breath just three months ago.
She wished to see me wed, not a difficult task, but I was entangled in various tasks of achieving my dream and couldn't fulfil her wish.
I still remember her almost cold hands which placed these earrings in my hands telling me that it's her blessing in disguise and I should take care of it till I die.
Here I am granny wearing your earrings on this important day. Dont forget to bless me from the heavens.
"Miss how may I help you?"
The curt tone of the receptionist brings me back to the present scenario and I ask her my concern with a warm smile.
Sitting in the waiting room I see many people rushing in and out of the one room which shall decide my fate today, the interviewing chamber.
Clicking open my compact I evaluate my appearance in that tiny circular mirror just to boost my confidence, which unfortunately goes south, making me feel less comfortable among these girls of my age. I am currently placed between people who have a higher sense of fashion than myself.  Everyone else in here is in their tight body-hugging solid-coloured one-piece, with primary colour heels, or is wearing a side slit 3/4th skirt with a contra blouse. And here I am tucked in my light blue formals with a pair of black kitten heels. My waist-length hair is also tied in a neat bun,  should I at least leave my hair open? Unable to overcome this dilemma I excuse myself towards the restroom, there is still about an hour time till I sit on the chair as an interviewee, so I guess I can get some time to self evaluate and go through my resume once again. Huff.
Pulling myself up from the metallic bench I walk towards the receptionist to get directions towards the washroom.
"Excuse me, where is the washroom please?"
I ask the girl standing straight with red lipstick, her busy eyes running all over her computer, and her ferocious fingers dancing on the keyboard swiftly.
"Please follow the directions from the floor map near the elevator."
She responds in a bland tone without moving her eyes away from her computer screen.
Okayyyy, I guess that's how it works in large firms, guess I need to search my way myself then. Bowing a tiny bow I walk towards the elevator with quick steps. To my surprise, the elevator door opens unexpectedly making me crash with a dark blue blazer ironed to its perfection.
Omg, what is this! My eyes widen in surprise as I carry my vision from his glittering tie pin till his dark eyes, completely mesmerised all along.
His perfect jawline was decorated with that trimmed beard with light moustaches, his shoulder-length hair tied in a half pony with few white hair strands peeking from various sides doing nothing but adding to his beauty. That sculpted nose bridge and those glittering green beads on his ears don't go unnoticed by my sharp eyes. And his tall stature is completing his overall look like the perfect guy I have ever met so far.
"Are you okay?"
Masculine words spill out of his perfect lips only to bring me back to the realisation that I am made stable by his firm sturdy hands catching my forearms in their protective grip or else my butt would have kissed the marble flooring long back.
*inner giggle*
'If you are done drooling, why dont we spell a THANKYOU, SIR, to this gentleman and go back to concentrating ON THE INTERVIEW!?'
I hear my subconscious voicing out, no scratch that, yelling at my current mental state and I straighten my posture in front of this gentleman who for some reason is making me self-conscious and nervous.
And mind you it's not every day that I get soo breathless in front of any man. Omg! I must have had a blush spread on my cheeks.
My subconscious successfully kicks some sense in my stuck brains and I start functioning normally again.
"No sir I am good, thank you by the way."
I say smiling sheepishly which he reciprocated with his gentle one revealing a ting dimple on his right cheek. Aww, he is soo cute. How can a man be so drool-worthy, intimidating, cute and gentlemanly all the same time?! For a split second, I wished he was mine.
What am I thinking! He made my morals move, but then again, it's not daily that my virgin heart flutters to a man I have seen for the first time. I just got these unexplainable tingles that are hard to ignore.
'Hmm, you just sexually frustrated Pallavi, get married will you?'
Replies my unwelcomed subconscious always battling with my heart.
'Stop it will you, appreciating gods creation is an art in itself!'
I say in defence.
'Ya,ya we know how deep-rooted you were in art appreciation.'
'If you are done mocking me, shall we concentrate on the interview please?'
'Finally, we are on the same page, lets start then, spill open your hair and bring out your inner zeal we are gonna crack this interview like a banana peel.
*giggles hard*'
Saying this my brain goes all laughter making me cringe at myself.
'Eww, what was that? Poetry?'
'Sorry just some random thought'
Brushing off my inner voices I move towards the restroom as directed and part my hair in the middle with one side tucked behind my ear.
"You can do this Pallavi!
You got this!
Ya, I can do this. All I need to do is be confident and act my professional self, yes, let's do this!"
Filling my veins with confidence I walk back to my seat only to be called by the in-charge to enter the chamber.
There goes nothing!
Entering the chamber I am greeted by three interviewers with a lady sitting in her cotton saree complimenting her neck short curls. The other two men seem to be in their late forties while the woman must be in her early fifties. Judging by the way they are talking with her I guess she holds an honourable chair.
"So Pallavi Verma, is it?"
She asks with her professional smile and I reply, "yes" reciprocating her smile.
"What do you like about our company?"
Asks the person sitting towards her right,
"The Idea of how this firm has employed various branch people and are trying to create a safe, secure and a wider spectrum of users and products have highly fascinated me.
I always wished to view software designing in a new spectrum and I believe I can achieve it here at I-Key." I say confidently pouring all my loyal words into it.
The interviewers nod in unison with a smile of satisfaction. While I am crossing my fingers and am successfully hiding this childish act from them.
"Let's cut the chase, we have ten open cabins in the design team and you have done fairly well in the written exam."
The other two interviewers nod in acceptance with her and she continues
"We would like it if you start wearing our company batch from next Monday.
What do you say?"
Wait, did I hear her right? Omg!!!
I guess I did hear it right.
I nod positively at her response and she smilingly hands me some documents with further instruction and my salary structure. After exchanging some words regarding the company I take my leave from the cabin with a beaming smile.
I got my dream job!
'I guess bumping into the man earlier was quite lucky for you.'
'Look who is speaking!'
'Well think for yourself, you felt uneasy, unconfident and felt like you cannot clear this interview before bumping into him.
But after meeting those dark brown eyes haven't you gained some kinda confidence within you?'
'Well, I guess it's true, like a tiny bit maybe?'
I guess he was a lucky man for me. As they say, looking at a good face brings good luck.
I don't even know why I am making these unsensible connections towards that man. But one thing is for sure he has been on my mind from the time I met him. And this is a very rare condition for me.
Smiling at my thoughts I race back to my home to share this happy news with my family. Unknown of the fact that they were also waiting to give me a surprising piece of news.


Hey, there lovely readers!!!
Hope you liked today's chapter :D
Question of the day: Who was Pallavi's, lucky man?
Comment your answer and your opinion about today's chapter.
Stay tuned for further entertainment.
(By the way, did you like our lucky man's appearance?)

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