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Evans POV

We open the door and right before us stand my father, Esme, a man I don't know, and Lily holding Athena wrapped in silver.

"You" I screamed at my realization that Lily is the traitor.

"We never thought to vet Lily she was Athena's best friend" Jax says in astonishment.

"Me" Lily says in a sadistic voice.

Where has the sweet, nice Lily gone. This is not her. Everything about her is different, her tone of voice is different, even her look is darker.

"Why?" I asked her.

"She's in the way. King Conner is the rightful King and his vision is much better than yours. When he kills you he will become King and killing Athena will make that easier to do. Plus, I hate her. She's self-centered, needy, and ungrateful. Killing her really serves multiple purposes. For the werewolves to rule over all she simply must die." Lily says.

I keep watch over her as I see she has a dagger in her hand and is waving it around as she rambles on like the lunatic she is.

'Werewolves need to be united, yes" I say, "But we don't need to rule over other species we need to work together to make this land livable for all of us."

"No, wolves are superior and everyone knows that. They should all bow down to us" my father says.

"That's enough, this is going to end now" I say.

"Yes it is" my father says. That is when all hell breaks loose. With a nod of his head Lily plunges the dagger into Athena's stomach. Her eyes widen and tears stream down her face as she lets out a blood curdling scream.

I double over in pain as I feel what she feels. I stumble to my feet as I see Lily throw Athena to the floor. The titans and my royal guard rush in and the battle starts. I want to keep my eyes on my father but they are glued to Athena. I rush towards Athena and as I am about to reach her I am thrown away from her.

"Fucking whore witch" I yelled as I crash into a cement pillar behind me.

My father uses this to his advantage and runs toward me punching me on the ground. I block the punches and grab ahold of him and throw him off me. I look around the room and see men, women, and wolves fighting. Witches on both sides are using their powers against each other. My father shifts into his wolf. He is an old black wolf but I know he is still strong and has plenty of fight left in him.

I transform into my wolf and run towards my father. I swipe at him and snap my teeth, when I make contact with him blood starts pouring out. He is momentarily fazed by me but quickly gets his bearings back. He pounces on me and is able to bite into my shoulder. I try to keep my concentration on my father but I can see Athena laying helplessly on the floor by me.

Esme is making her way over to her. I throw my father off me and rush to Athena. Esme keeps stalking over to us and I snarl at her. I lunge for her as she begins to chant something and bite into her neck and tear her arm from her body. This distracts her enough that she loses concentration on what she was chanting before.

She falls to her knees and blood pours out of her and sge screams as she dies on the floor. My father is still lying unconscious on the floor. I rush back to Athena and begin licking her to try and heal some of her wounds. Her blue eyes stare into mine and I see the light leaving her eyes. I shift back into human form. I need to get the chains off of her.

I grab at the chains wrapped around her body and pull on them, my skin starts to burn as the chains begin to break. I finally freed Athena from the chains. Her body is battered, bruised, burned, and cut. Tears fill the rims of my eyes as I hold her in my arms.

"Stay with me Athena, I love you" I say.

Athena gently caresses my face "Don't cry Evan, I love you too" she says.

I see Aurora and some healers making their way over to me. I clutch tightly onto Athena trying to stop the bleeding from the stab Lily gave her earlier.

"Evan, give her to us. We will do what we can" Aroura says as she reaches me.

I give Athena a kiss and hand her over to Aurora. "You'll be safe with her" I tell Athena.

Aurora hands her off to the healers and they begin trying to heal Athena's wounds. I watch on for a minute and notice Aurora's eyes go wide with fear. I feel something tear through my body and look down and see blood pouring out if me. I turn around to see Lily has plunged a sword through me.

I rip her head off right there and her limp body falls to the ground as mine does. Aurora rushes to me and begins to heal my would.

"Shit Evan, this is a lot of blood loss" she says.

"Go back to Athena, make sure she lives" I command her.

"I'm a witch your commands won't work on me. She is fine with the other healers. I need to make sure both of you survive this" Aurora says.

She continues to heal me for a few minutes and I feel the wound closing and my strength returning. "There, all done" she says and heads back over to Athena.

Not even a second later a wolf is on top of me clawing at my back. It's my father. I push him back and shift back into my wolf. This is going to end now. I run towards him and slash his chest. Blood pours out of the wound and he whimpers. I stalk around him circling waiting for my chance. I am not going to take my time with him. I lunge forward and sink my jaw into his neck and tear his throat out. He falls to the ground dead.

I shift back to my human form and run over to Athena. Most of her smaller wounds are healed now and they are working on the stomach wound.

"How is she?" I ask Aurora.

"We got the wolfsbane out and her body is working to heal the smaller wounds. The larger one is taking time but she will survive. Just give us some more time" Aurora says to me.

I hold Athena's hand as I look out at the chaos winding down around us. There were a lot of casualties on all sides. Jax has killed the man that was with Conner when we first entered. My royal guards are subduing and chaining the surviving members of the underground pack. This war is finally truely done.

I feel Athena's hand squeeze mine and I look back towards her. Her bright blue eyes are staring back at me. I gently sit her up and kiss her.

"I love you so much" I tell her.

"I love you too." She says back to me.

The sound of her voice is the most heavenly thing I could hear. "It's done, let's go home" I tell her.

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