Chapter 1

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Jackson was nervous. He was nervous and confused and had a million thoughts roaming through his head. As soon as he walked into the building, he thought this was all a big prank. He thought they would arrest him for lying on his resume, or laugh at him and ask him if he thought they were stupid enough to not double check his references, or even schedule an interview. Luckily, none of that happened. He entered the building, fingers slightly trembling from nervousness. He looked around inside. Directly in front of him stood the receptionist's desk with a short blonde girl sitting behind the desk. There was a giant chandelier that hung from the ceiling that glittered with almost blinding light. Other than that, there was a door to his right and two hallways on opposite ends of the big desk. Jackson smiled and walked up to the receptionist, who was busy doing paperwork. When she noticed him approaching, she smiled a friendly smile and Jackson looked at her name tag. 'Amy', it said. 

"Hello." Jackson said, "I'm here for my first day of work."

Jackson felt shy all of a sudden. He had no clue what to do, where to go, who to talk to. He was hoping this girl, Amy, would have some answers.

Amy looked delighted to hear the news. She parted her bright, red lips in surprise for a moment before speaking.

"Hi there! It's so nice to see you! Go ahead and knock on Alex's room, and he'll show you around and answer all your questions." Amy gave him another smile and pointed towards the door to his right. The door had the number '1' plastered on top and was shut. Jackson thanked Amy and approached the door to knock, when it flew open and out came, who Jackson assumed was, Alex. He had obviously heard him come in through the door, because he had a great big smile on his face and his arms were outstretched, almost as if he was expecting a hug.

"Jackson! Oh Jackson Jackson Jackson. You don't know how happy I am to see you!" Alex exclaimed. And he really did look happy to see him.

Jackson smiled back, but now he was getting suspicious. There must have been a reason why this great, big organization had trouble finding people to fill in this position, right? Looking at how pleased Alex looked, Jackson was filled with curiosity. What is it about this place that repelled people?

"Oh how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Alex." Alex outstretched his hand and Jackson brought himself out of his thoughts and shook it. What a bubbly personality, he thought.

As Jackson looked at Alex, he realized he was a pretty good looking man. He wore round glasses and a green t-shirt with ripped jeans. His hair was spiked up and a very dark shade of brown. And his eyes matched the green of his shirt. 

Jackson smiled again as Alex began rambling about the layout of the building as he walked with Jackson. Where to find the washroom, where to go for help, and finally, the location of his office. Alex had explained to Jackson that actually, he was only the personal therapist of one person in this building, and not the entirety of the staff. Jackson's curiosity peeked at that. He wondered why this one person would receive all this attention.

"Who would that be?" Jackson tried to be polite with his question.

"Oh, you'll meet her soon don't worry about that right now." Alex had quickly replied, waving his hand to dismiss his question.

Jackson nodded, saying nothing else as Alex continued to show him around. Truthfully, he wasn't even paying attention to what Alex was saying. He was too busy thinking about how he would act around the girl he was obviously supposed to help. Now, he felt bad. He doesn't know anything about therapy! He should have at least researched. There is a girl in this building that needed guidance, guidance that he could not provide. Alex suddenly stopped walking, and Jackson almost bumped into him from behind. He looked up, and saw that they reached a very ominous looking hallway. Cells sat on each side of the dimly lit hallway within short distance of one another on each side of the wall. Each cell had a glass door in front of it, revealing what lay inside.

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