Chapter 4

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"Well?" She was angry now. Her eyebrows were angled down and she stared at him with menacing eyes. "Does this look like a zoo to you?"

Jackson panicked. He had not expected this. Of course she would feel like she's being ridiculed, sitting in a small cell with him watching her from the outside. He felt embarrassed.

Then, it was almost like another thought occurred to her. The dangerous glint in her eyes was gone, a frown formed on her face and she took a step back. She looked up at him with sad eyes. She did not look like a crazed teenager as she had a moment ago, now she looked like a sad, sad child.

"Help me," she sobbed. "I- I'm stuck here and I don't know what to do and- and I-"

She paused. All emotion drained from her face, and she stared at Jackson. His face was also blank, he was positively terrified. He was sure he paled a little. Still, he was speechless. Unable to form a reply.

Then she giggled. A small, cute giggle that didn't suit her in the slightest. And the giggle turned into a full blown laugh. She was wheezing, bending down to rest her hands on her knees.

"Oh God," she pretended to wipe away a tear. "Priceless." She grinned from ear to ear, she truly was enjoying herself.

Then abruptly, she sat back down. Once again, cross legged on the ground, in the middle of her cell.

Jackson was staring at her, wide-eyed. This girl was insane! Screw the pay, he thought, she was out of her goddamn mind!

Jackson stood in complete silence. And Eleven welcomed the silence. Almost as if time came to a pause, neither moved a muscle.

"So, what did you just diagnose me with Doc?" Eleven broke the silence and asked from her seated position, still looking up at him with an amused look in her eyes and a small smile. She looked like a child that just got away with stealing candy.

"Sorry?" Jackson was too busy in his thoughts and was taken aback by the question.

"I see the way you're looking at me. And I know why you're here. So, what is it that you just diagnosed me with?" She cocked her head to the side, looked down at his empty hands and added, "You don't even have a tablet though. How unprofessional."

Jackson had an idea that she knew, she knew he wasn't who he said he was. However, he would keep up the front.

"Well, this type of thing will take weeks-"

"Weeks?!" She exploded into laughter again.

"Um, yes-"

"Oh you poor poor soul." Her smile became something malicious. "You think you'll last over one week here?"

She really did look like she pitied him. She pouted slightly at him empathetically.

"Of course I will." Jackson decided to hold his ground. He was getting mad at this girl. She's locked in a cell for Gods sake, her threats are empty. "You'll see, we'll get along great."

Jackson realized he was mocking her. She scared him, but he wouldn't allow her to have the satisfaction of walking all over him.

When she heard his reply, a smile replaced her pout. Jackson realized how quickly her facial expressions change. How many moods she had displayed in the past 5 minutes. It made him shudder.

"Well Jackson," she spoke, his name like venom on her tongue. "I can not wait."

Jackson saw this for what it was. It was a threat, a promise. He had officially entered her game, and she couldn't wait to get started.

Well, he didn't care. He would play her little game. And he would win.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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