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My eyes shut. I feel tense as Adrian puts his hands on me. I don't budge to even try to run out of here. I've tried before.
Frank's in the other room probably drowning himself in alcohol.
I feel Adrian's hands run up and down my back.
I'm uncomfortable and just want to cry but I know I shouldn't,
I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't.
I open my eyes and look at the water and the bubbles that float by.
Then the bathroom door opens. My heart sinks.
It's my mother

All she does is stare at Adrian
I just wait for her to say something
She doesn't, she stares and then closes the door. I feel like a lump has formed in my throat
It burns.
I need to cry but I can't.
I feel Adrian's lips touch my neck.
I feel like drowning and I close my eyes.
If I were to drown all of my problems would float away and cease to exist.

I feel my body sink into my bed, tense.
This bed, my body.
Everything's so tense.
I hug my pillow, shoving my face into it to muffle the sound of my crying.
Everything's hurts.
I hear the alarm go off.
Irritated, I get up and put clothes on.
I then do the rest of my morning routine and meet Adrian in the car.
He blasts his loud music making my head feel heavy.
I look down and see Adrian's hand on my thigh
I feel anger fill my body. I rest my head on the window closing my eyes.

I hear Lonnie and Fleur's voice from behind me
I put my stuff in and turn around smiling at them.
"Hey guys"
Lonnie hugs me.
I wince as she touches a bruise.
I pull away
they both have smiles plastered on both of their faces.
"Why are you guys so happy"
"Oh no reason we're just glad to see you"
Lonnie says with a smile
My heart skips a beat, excited that someone's said that to me.
I then see a tall figure in my peripheral vision.
I then smell his expensive cologne. I look over to my right and see Finn. He's smiling like an idiot.
Fleur and Lonnie giggle and walk away.

"Hey convenient store girl"
"Dude give me a new nickname"
I chuckle as I stare into his eyes.
"I will once I come up with one but for now it's CSG"
"Oh great now its an acronym"
The bell rings.
"See you later"
"See you CSG"
"S T F U"
I walk away and go to my first class reminiscing the conversation I had with him.

I sit down in the cafeteria next to Lonnie.
"Hey where's fleur"
I ask as I search for her.
"In the office, her and Margot got into a fight earlier. No fists, just cussing"
I feel my phone ringer go off.
I grab my phone out and check
I roll my eyes as I see a text message from Frank

"We're going camping this week, when you get home pack your bags we leave in the morning"

"You've got to be kidding me"
I say annoyed and pissed off
"What is it? Wait wait don't tell me let me guess. Frank?"
She says with a annoyed tone
"Ding ding ding"
I reply
"He says we're going camping this week and that I need to pack when I get home. I guess they don't care about my education"

"It's Frank, we'll see how long this idea lasts, you guys probably won't even go, he'll come up with a lame excuse so he can just sit on his ass, watch television and get plastered"
She says to consult me.
"Yeah, yeah you're right"

I finish packing my bag as my mother enters the room.
"I'm done packing for this exciting trip"
I give a sarcastic remark
"About the trip"
She looks guilty which worries me
"What about it, are we not going because I'm gonna be so sad"
I sarcastically say
"I'm not going, I tried to get the week off but I couldn't and your dad said that it'd be a great opportunity for you and Adrian to bond. I think that's a great idea"

I feel like my heart sunk into my stomach.
"Great, that's just absolutely fucking great"
I say as I slam my bag into the floor next to my bed.
"Hey. This isn't my fault"
My mom reply's
"Yes it is"
"Don't talk to your mother like that"
Frank says as he walks in and stands next to my mother
"Fuck off frank"
I spat at him
He then slaps me across the face.
My mother gasps
I then feel my right cheek. I wince as it stings. It feels some what warm.
"yeah I can't wait to have a bonding experience"
I say as I look into my mothers eyes

"Go to bed babe"
Frank forces my moms shoulders back indicating for her to leave
I swallow the lump in my throat
Knowing what's about to happen I feel a tear run down my cheek.
I turn around facing my bed, and hear his belt shuffle.
 Then hear the door closes and his footsteps come closer. I close my eyes as tight as possible.

Captivated By Him.  (Finn Wolfhard × Female Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now