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I watched as Finn and the girl cuddled on the bleachers as the whole crowd cheered as the school's football team did what they do best, Lose. My heart feels as if it's been stomped on. My feelings all jumbled up in a knot. I don't know what I feel. A mix of anger, guilt, a chunk of jealousy. Maybe I feel all but it's like all of it is just gnawing at me ready for me to explode.

It's like everything around me went mute. Everyone's mouths moving but no sounds coming out. I'm just stuck focusing on Finn and her.
I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I'm snapped out of everything and the noise just comes back. Screams and people chatting.
I look at Fleur and she's looking at me with a concerned look.
"What's wrong"
She asks and Lonnie turns her attention to me.
"Nothing'm all good"
I sigh and glance over at Finn, then back at Fleur and Lonnie.
"You can tell us anything"
Lonnie says with a soft tone.
I nod and they smile as they turn their attention to the game.

I enter the house hearing my mom and Frank arguing. Oh, how it's wonderful to be home.
I put my jacket in the downstairs closet, take my shoes off, and go upstairs to my room throwing them in my closet.
"What did you do now"
I hear Adrian say behind me.
"What do you mean"
I ask
I face him, he has a mad look on his face which is typical for someone like him so I brush it off.
"Mom and dad are arguing about something you did"
I roll my eyes and scan through my dresser for lounge clothes
"First he isn't my dad, second I didn't do anything, third, don't care"
I go to push him out but he grabs my jaw squeezing it tight
"Ow you're hurting me"
I say out loud in pain
He just squeezes harder
"Why don't you stop being a cunt and obey dad, whether you like it or not he is our dad."

He smacks me across the face leaving my cheek burning
he yells leaving spit on my face.
I say with a shakey tone.
I feel a tear fall down my cheek.
He lets go of my wrist and leaves the room.
I look at my jaw, it has his hand print on it. Definitely will leave a bruise.
I sit down on my bed and just stare at my feet.
As soon as I thought I was all good my mom and Frank come into my room

I look up and see Frank, he has an angered look on his face just like Adrian did. Like father like son I suppossed.
I then look at my mom she just looks disappointed.
I get up and smile.
I ask
"Y/n did you or did you not sneak out last night"
My mom says with a stern tone
I feel my heart beat fast.
"Yes I did, I'm sorry"
I look down at the floor.
"Did you ask if you could go"
Frank says with a crude voice

I say silent
He raised his voice at me making me jump slightly
"No I didn't"
I say with a loud harsh tone
"Exactly, you didn't so you went out without asking me you could've gotten killed"
I roll my eyes like I've done before.
"You're not my dad why would I ask you"
I say with full on attitude
"Because this is my house therefore you follow my rules."

"My mom could do way better than a low life like you, I can take care of myself I don't need a tool like you bossing me and my mother around"
I yell at him raising my voice making my mom raise her eyes at frank
I step back as frank steps closer to me.
He grabs me by my shirt and pushes me against my wall by my window.
"Put me down"
I spit at him
He pushes me harder into the wall.
"You obey me or you face the consequences"

He slaps me across the face, the pain stinging me. 
I feel my eyes tear up.
It feels like the tears are stuck in my throat.
He pushes me down onto the ground.
"Fuck you"
I say through my sniffles.
I notice my mom just standing there with tears in her eyes.
He then kicks me in my stomach, making my mom come and grab him
She says words to comfort him as she rubs his back.
Why's she comforting him and not me. I'm her daughter she's supposed to be there for me.

I cry out in pain as they just stare at me
"You're grounded you go to school and come home right away that's it"
He says as they leave the room slamming the door shut.
I curl up holding my knees.
I cry out loud as Adrian yells at me to shut up.
I get up holding my stomach, I go and lock the door I climb into bed and cry myself to sleep.

I wake up to banging on the door.
"Open this damn door now"
I hear frank yell.
I roll my eyes and get out of bed, I go and open the door.
Frank and Adrian standing there
"Why was the door locked"
Frank asks but I shrug.
"I lock the door when I sleep"
 "Remember I said this is my house, no locking doors got it"
He yells at me, I sigh and rub my eyes.
I nod my head and close my door in their faces.
Just for it to be open by Adrian. He slaps me across my face this time on my left cheek instead of my right. 

"Adrian go get my belt"
Frank says in a demanding tone. Scared and worried I push him, he pushes me back making me fall onto the ground.
I groan as my back hits the floor hard.
Adrian comes back with Frank's belt. Frank grabs it and comes close to me as he wraps a part of the belt around his hand. I back up into a wall he brings the belt up high and I close my eyes knowing I can't fight my way out of this.

Captivated By Him.  (Finn Wolfhard × Female Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now