Part 11: Asset

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bucky- Umm tony came in earlier and said he has someone coming in

y/n- Who is it?

nat- is it a girl?

wanda- we could really use a girl

tony- Nope!

clint- Hey tony

tony- Guys, I want you to meet theo jackson



Y/n- Who is theo jackson?

Tony- I thought he could be a great help

Bucky- You sure? We don't even know him.

Tony- Well, Fury thought that he could help us, But unfortunately he isn't joining the avengers, but he is going to help us

nat- Cool

wanda- He seems nice

Clint- I'm Clint

Theo- Nice to meet all of you

*Everyone introduces themselves to theo including you*

Tony- I'm going to have a party tonight so feel free to join if you want, 7PM  

y/n- Ok later

Tony- Me and bruce are going to the lab 

bruce- Bye guys

Clint- Alright, well I have to go

theo- Where are you heading?

Clint- I have a family to take care of

theo- Ok well it was nice meeting you

clint- You too

*An hour passed, and it's 4:32 PM*

(Bucky's POV)

I didn't get a good feeling when I met theo, His eyes were all over y/n, like he was in love with already. I didn't think a lot about it because I thought I would do something stupid about it. Not only that, but I went into the living room and saw, Steve, theo and y/n with wanda and nat talking.

Bucky- What are you guys doing?

nat- not much, just talking to theo

bucky- You seem you like him a lot...

wanda- He is very sweet, and kind

y/n- Yeah true

sam- Jealous bucky?

steve- *Laughs*

Y/n- Hey bucky?

bucky- Yea?

y/n- Are you coming to the party tonight?

bucky- Yeah, I might

Y/n- Cool

theo- So y/n, Do you want to go out for food later?

y/n- I would love-

bucky- She can't

steve- Why can't she?

y/n- Yeah, Why?

bucky- Because she is going somewhere with me

theo- Oh what a shame, Well I have got to go bye!

Nat- OMG

wanda- What just happened?!

y/n- Bucky happened

sam- This is getting excited

steve- Sam don't even talk.

Sam- Awesome

*5:02 PM*

(My POV)

Nat- Hey y/n!

wanda- Wait up

Y/n- yeah?

nat- want to come with us to get ready for the party?

y/n- Oh yeah of course

Wanda- We can make you so hot it'll make bucky jealous

nat- And all the boys will be over you

Wanda- Except for steve

Nat- Yeah...

Y/n- I knew it! I knew steve had a thing for you!

nat- OMG, you knew?

Y/n- Obviously!

Wanda- Let's go! Less talking, More getting hot!

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