CadenPrism..? (Mild Gore, Cheating)

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Obama Prism POV:

     It was finally the day- the day I was going to get married to Luke! I was absolutely ecstatic for it, if I can recall correctly. I remember Joe Bidome helping me pick out my dress. A beautiful white one with an embroidered flower pattern, my veil consisting of white roses. My mother came out to see me as well. Of course, she was stunned as to how I was alive. 

     Everything was perfect, we had spent so much time and money on the wedding itself, we had forgotten about Caden. Well, considering it had been 2 and a half years since we had last seen him. I had also given birth to a beautiful baby boy within that time! Luke decided his name was going to be Johnathan, and I saw no reason to protest. Although I am past that now, reminiscing on those times brings me a sense of serenity.


     Johnathan lazily strew the flower petals from his basket, as he clumsily waddled down the red carpet towards the alter. Soon after he reached the wooden alter, his mother came walking down the aisle. She gracefully stepped onto her designated spot, and faced Luke with a slightly bashful expression. He smiled back knowingly and nodded at the priest. The pale dirty blonde priest cleared his throat and began reading from his script. "Groom and Bride as the two of you have joined this marriage uniting as husband and wife, and as you this day affirm your faith and love for one another, I would ask that you always remember to cherish each other as special and unique individuals, that you respect the thoughts, ideas and suggestions of one another."

    He paused and looked up with a smile, "To able to forgive, do not hold grudges, and live each day that you may share it together – as from this day forward you shall be each other's home, comfort and refuge, your marriage strengthened by your love and respect,"

    The man paused once more, and with an eerie grin, he continued, "Till death do you part."

     Obama Prism and Luke then share a kiss, as the audience cheers. Little Johnathan, although confused, begins beaming as well, knowing his parents are happy.

    The Priest then pulls out a handgun from under his robe, and points it at Lukes forehead. The audiences cheers turn to screams and panic. The priest throws off his mask, and reveals his true identity. Caden, was back, and he was never leaving Obama Prism again. He then gives Luke a sympathetic look, as Obama Prism cowers next to her son. 

     Caden hesitates for only a moment, as if trying to think of something to say, however, he decides against it, and then pulls the trigger. Luke tumbles to the ground lifelessly. Just as that happens Caden turns around to Obama Prism, and seeing that everyone else left, he gives her a sickeningly sweet smile. 

     "How does a third wedding sound?"

     Obama Prism then lets out an ear piercing scream, however Caden doesn't mind, it has been 2 and a half years since he heard her voice. He moves towards her and pulls a towel up to her face, she flinches. This movement angers Caden, and he pushes her nose and mouth towards the chloroform drenched towel. In almost an instant, consciousness slips away from her.

      In about 5 hours, Obama Prism wakes up, however, her limbs aren't working. Of course, she doesn't expect Caden to be sitting in a chair in front of her. He grins at her and wordlessly points across the room. She turns her head to see a man dressed in holy garments walk up the stairs and out of Cadens home. Obama looks down to see a ring on her finger, and it wasn't the one that Luke gave her. However, it was a large diamond in the shape of a triangle, with beautiful diamonds littered across the body of the ring.  

     She soon realizes, that she is once again married to Caden, and just as she tries to move her mouth to protest, she finds out she can't. She finally looks at the rest of her paper body, and sees various chains and ropes across herself, and what she can only assume is tape on her mouth. Tears go to her eyes as she begins to flail in the chains. Caden can only sigh at her behavior, and walk upstairs to go grab some food. In a couple minutes he comes down with pancakes and approaches Obama Prism. He brutally rips the tape off her mouth and smiles. 

     "It's your favorite, I know you may be a little mad because I was gone for so long, but please eat."  

     She starts to form words of protest, however the threatening look she gets from Caden makes her think otherwise. Obama chooses to move her mouth towards the pancakes which Caden cut up for her. She resists the temptation to ask about Johnathans whereabouts, because she has the gut feeling that, he is most likely long gone.

     This process of feeding, passive aggressive kindness, and threatening looks went on for about 4 and a half months, until she accepted it. He had an.. alternative way of showing his feelings, and that was fine! As long as he didn't hurt anyone else, she was okay with her treatment and captivity. Over years and years, she genuinely began to enjoy his company, much to Cadens surprise.  

     Eventually, they had a family of their own in the mountains where Caden lived, Obama Prism and Caden had been completely forgotten about, as if they had never existed. Although a few rumors passed around about them occasionally, nobody really conversed about the situation. 

     Maybe, the family could have their happy ending finally! It was all that Caden had wanted. However, there was one problem. 

     Luke wasn't dead quite yet, he's in a coma, and he'll never give up on Obama Prism that easily. Even if it does end up hurting him again.     

A/N: OMg, FIRST OFF 1005 WORDS. LONGEST STORY YET!! Secondly, ALMOST THE LAST PART OF THE OBAMA PRISM SERIES. BY FAR MY FAVORITE THING TO WRITE AND THE SUPPORT I GET IS ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!! Also sorry Luke for that-  u h, Remember this is just a story and does not indicate my desires nor Cadens. It is just a scenario that I have elaborated on so much, it turned into it's own little world. I do plan on expanding the Obamaverse to other ships as well! However those ships are not set in stone, and if you have any recommendations put them on this paragraph. I am also writing other stories which haven't gotten nearly as much support which are very similar in style to this one, so if you have time, please check it out. Anyways I'm writing this at 2 AM so I think I should sleep- Anyways have a good day everyone!

A/N EDIT: Also fun fact, I searched it up on google so idk how accurate it is, but one of Obamas favorite foods is pancakes! ^^

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