A god reborn

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"So Michael if you could have one power, what would it be?" My older brother asked as he was washing a black metal tray.

"Fire." I replied in a heartbeat.

"Ha, I'd beat you. Water will always beat fire." He laughed.

"Nathan, please, I'll just burn so hot I'll burn through my mortal body and be reborn in my god form."

"Bitch, I'm not gonna make you a god."

"You're right, I'll already be a god." I remember laughing and joking some more about our fight we'd have.

We were in a funeral service. Nathan lay in an open coffin. His peaceful slender face, short unwashed black hair far above his closed eyes. His bony figure sticking out from the bottom of the coffin. Two weeks ago a white van crashed into the bus he was riding on to college. On the motorway a van tried to overtake his bus but the left axle broke. The van lost control and veered into the bus, which was knocked into a ditch it was about to pass.

The bus crashed, the fuel tank cracked spraying fuel everywhere, inside and outside the bus. The van grinding against the side of the bus creating sparks and finally resulting in an explosion. Thirty one people were completely vaporized including my brother.

Standing next to the coffin I whispered, "I will burn this world to find the gods who did this. They will join you soon enough." I was blissfully unaware of what was currently taking place.

A large expanse of desert surrounded Nathan. He looked around confused and panicked. He turned around again and there stood a giant, looming mansion with a shadow now covering him. Clean, sparkling white walls had just appeared from nowhere. However a lingering thirst and curiosity overwhelmed his thoughts of caution. He proceeded towards the mansion.

The large doors opened inward as he approached. He now stood in a large hallway, weapons along the walls like swords, axes, spears, guns ranging from the past to new looking weapons he hadn't seen before and armoured statues stood parallel along the base of the wall. Continuing, he entered what looked like a massive living room. A large, roaring fire place was on his right and a long red leather couch. Something pulled him towards the couch, making him sit.

Waiting in silence for about a minute he was unaware in his lingering thoughts when two women came into view fighting with large broadswords. Small explosions came off like sparks every time that made contact. One blonde with slightly red eyes and the other dark blue haired, both same size and figure. The blonde smiled evilly as she disarmed the other woman. The blue haired woman rolled backwards before launching a large boulder which came from nowhere. The blonde took only a second before launching a bolt of lightning through the sword. Both shattered into little fragments.

Lightning cackled around the blonde's hands. She began to laugh manically while launching bolt after bolt of lightning at the blue haired woman. "How's that feel Dawn?" The blonde laughed, she wore tight jeans and an open, black leather jacket with black combat boots.

"Don't know, you're too slow Sam!" The blue haired woman dived out of the way, narrowly avoiding another bolt. She wore a black micro skirt, a black vest and white shirt with pink boots.

Then, between the two women came a large explosion. A large mushroom shaped cloud forming. Nathan felt the shock wave from the couch. "Ah, looks like we have a visitor. Another time Sam." Dawn turned her sights on Nathan. Sam lunged from the smoke, two gold glowing daggers in each hand. Swiftly, a large pointed spear extended from Dawn's hands and impaled Sam through her stomach. She gargled something, twitched a few more times before going still.

Dawn continued her walk to Nathan. He looked at the still form on the spear as Dawn sat next to him. "So who are you?" She asked calmly. Unable to speak, mouth gape, he stared at the form still. "You're mortal, how'd you get here?" Sam moved on the spear. She floated from the spear and to the floor, the large hole began closing.

"How the fuck?" He gasped.

"You don't have your powers." She mused. Sam stormed away, back through the door they originally came through. "Give me your hands." Reluctantly, afraid of being stabbed, he gave his hands over into hers.

A subtle warmth flowed through her hands and up his arms, into his body. "I'll give you time here to practise and perfect your powers."

"My powers?" He managed to ask.

"I gave you your god powers. Go forth, claim your worlds or whatever you want." She stood up, going to leave. "However, there are somethings you cannot achieve, like time travel, or not fully. But yeah, if I tell you I'll be ruining the fun." With a wink she launched from the floor and flew away, through the door that Sam went through earlier.

"God powers?" Nathan asked himself. Holding his arm out a cup formed and filled with water in his hand. "Whoa." Leaving his seat on the couch he smiled and held his arm out again...

Two weeks later, Nathan had practised anything and everything he could think of. He found Dawn in one of the hallways smiling at him as he approached. "Ready?" She asked innocently.

"Yes." He replied, grinning. Suddenly a large golden magical rod was through his chest from behind.

"Show us." Sam whispered. Splitting the bolt in half, he quickly regrew the skin from the hole while creating a sword made from pressurized water. He sliced straight through Dawn's staff of blue magic, he cut off her left thigh. Blood squirt out which he directed at Sam and forcing it out faster and in higher concentration. The blood turned into long, thin blades impaling her whole body.

Two magical staffs stab through Nathan's shoulders. Dawn driving the blue staffs further through. The staff that he had cut in half was now going through his shoulders as two blades. The pain distracting him from the blood blades attacking Sam.

The pressurized water expanded at a furious pace, knocking both women away. Nathan grabbed the staff blades before making them dissolve, protected by the water which acted as a shield against the women's attacks. After quickly healing again he closed the water shield closer around himself. He built up pressure but kept closing the water.

He focused on the weapons along the walls, pointing the blade towards the women and turning the edges into a red lasers. The water was now touching his skin and clothes, a black suit, white shirt and black smart pants. The water launched a powerful blast into the two unsuspecting women into the various weapons. Sam was impaled on three laser coated spears, Dawn somehow avoided all the weapons but floated against the wall between them.

She suddenly started to clap slowly, "Congrats, you killed one of us. Unfortunate that it was her again, third time this week. So sad. Oh well, lets go, your portal awaits. Once you cross you can and will be able to do anything in your mortal world, except time travel of course." She pointed at the wall which opened, revealing the massive expanse of desert although this time there was a glowing yellow rectangular hole in the air. Dawn gave Nathan a pat on the back, using magic to push him he got launched out of the mansion and through the yellow window.

Wind whipped past his face. Opening his eyes, the whole world was blue until he passed through a large cloud. Looking down he could see an ever increasing city far below. Focusing on floating, he stopped falling. Admiring the world he once called home he now thought, "What to do now?"

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