Shitpost bc yes (a request that is very old also i made some changes lol)

802 13 22

Request from @JustaSimpforClowny thanks 😭😭

"Cashier and player, can we go to McDonald's? I'm fucking hungry 🧍" dummy

"I thought npcs never be hungry 🧍" player

"Yea sure I'm kinda hungry too. What about you? Player." Cashier

"If cashier comes I will come too 🧍" player

"Player simp confirmed" dummy

"N-no I'm not 😭😃" Player

"If you say so ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" dummy

"Let's go" cashier

"Wait... the "closest" McDonald's place is fucking 5 miles away 🧍" dummy

"Just drive the goddam car" player

"Yall need to pay me" cashier

"Chill we don't even wanna afford a car crash and die" player

"..." cashier

"You messed up. BIG TIME" dummy

"Kk, uhhhhhhHhhhhhhh soRrY" player

Cashier gives player a death stare

"You're screwed lol" dummy

"Yall are invited to my funeral when cashier doesn't give mercy" player

"Yea I'm not gonna come" dummy

"🧍" player

"Cashier when are you gonna drive" dummy

"Now" cashier

They vroom vroom vroom until they found a parking spot next to McDonald's (I THINK YOU LOOK LIKE A SEXY MOTORCYCLE VROOM VROOM AHAHHA- sorry abt that lol)

"Yay McDonald's" dummy

"Sooo...what are we ordering today?" Player

"I just want chocolate sundae" cashier

"Same thing" player

"Also I want 6 pieces of chicken nuggets" player

"O k" dummy

"Let me think" dummy

"Kk" player and cashier


"I think ima take the double cheeseburger and a cola" dummy

"Theennnnnn order?" Player

"Yea sure." Cashier

They line up and ye

"Hello sir, what do you want?" that McDonald's cashier (wait a damn minute-)

"We want a double cheeseburger, two chocolate sundaes, 6 pieces of chicken nuggets and a cola" dummy

"Ok here's your ticket" that McDonald's cashier

T h e y W a i t

"Order 658!! Your order is ready!" Speakers

"Oh uh.. sir? There's only one sundae because something happened and the ice cream machine broke after we made the sundae for you." That McDonald's cashier

"Oh.. it's fine I guess" dummy

After explaining to them why there is only one sundae

"🧍 fuck " cashier

"Yall so uh... yall need to share this sundae I'll grab one more spoon just for yall won't be kissing " dummy

The player blushed a little (god I ship this 😭)

"Oooooo~ player's face is reddddddd~ are you blushing :)" dummy

"Fuck no" player

"Dummy when are you gonna get the spoons" cashier

"N . O . W" dummy

"Wait a damn minute, dummy" player

"? W a t" dummy

"Didn't you said you can't go out of your black room" player

"🧍 the creator of this book helped me" dummy

"I'm surprised that someone would help you" cashier

"Stfu that one guy simps for player" dummy

"I- 😃" cashier (damn cashier getting exposed)

The ice cream melts

"Fuck." Player and cashier



Dummy drinks cola and realised that all of the ice has melt

"Fuck" dummy

"That's what you get LMAO" cashier

"Yall ima eat my chicken nuggets, want some cashier?" Player

Insert cashier totally not blushing

"Yeah sure" cashier (I'm not gonna make some ye-yeah 🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍)

They eat

"Yall today is fine. Right?" Dummy

"Yessir" cashier and player

"D r i v e" dummy

"O k" cashier

They drive to players house

The end lol

Words in total: 528

Get a snack at 4am player x cashier |one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now