Chapter One

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Ally bounced her leg up and down, a frown on her lips. She huffed and leaned back in her seat, her eyes glued to the clock at the front of her last class. Her eyes left the clock for one second, and looked at her best friend, Sia, who was in front of the class. She was talking about the monkey she took care of in the second grade, the one who bit Ally on the finger.

Ally was happy she did her homework, or she would have had to do a presentation too, something she was not good at. That and she never had a pet, due to her parents not trusting her enough. Or maybe it was because she couldn't be responsible enough to keep Sia's hamster alive for a weekend back in the fourth grade. 

Ally glanced at the clock once more and noticed the bell was about to ring. She was the first one out of the room when it did, and she all but ran out to her mom's car. She was pushed to the side just as she leaned to get in the front seat and glared at her brother, who took the seat instead. 

"Momma B, make Danny get in the back!" Ally yelled, yanking on the handle. The boy only stuck out his tongue and winked, which made her growl in return. She paused and glanced around, huh, who knew she could growl like a dog. 

"No, you can sit in the back," her mom said and Ally's mouth dropped. 

"Why?" She whined and then jumped when she felt arms wrap around her neck. "Oh," she said and sighed. She brushed Sia away and climbed in the back, all the while ignoring her mom and brother, who were snickering. 

She planted herself in the middle and sighed when Sia got in on her right, and Gregory to her left. Greg wasn't even her friend, he was Danny's friend, she didn't see why she was stuck in the back because her friend was getting a ride home.

Ally pulled out her phone and opened Agent Alice, a game she had been addicted to for weeks. She snuck glances toward Greg and every time their eyes met, she glared at him. He was a senior, why he was hanging with a freshman was lost on her. 

The ride was long and when no stops were made, Ally raised her brow and leaned toward her mom's seat. Her silence was met with even more silence and she huffed. She felt a pat on her shoulder and looked at her brother, who was looking just as confused as her. 

She threw herself back and looked at her friend, phone still in hand. She shrugged when she saw Sia's concerned look, before clicking on her texting app. She was confused, she was pretty sure Sia had a time she had to be home on Wednesdays. 

do u kno whts going on? -A

Ally sent the text and glanced at her friend who took her phone from her boob and sighed. Ally rolled her eyes and punched her arm, she hated when her friend put her phone there, it was going to give her cancer some day. Sia rubbed her arm and glared, before turning away. 

no, do u? -S

Ally opened the message and looked at Sia pointedly. 

erm, no. tht's y i asked u -A

dnt get smart ally, i was jst asking. mom called me b4 i got 2 the car n told me i was staying with u 2nite. -S

how is tht not knowing? u knew this hole time n ddnt tell me. -A

over dramatic much? done -S

And with that, Sia put her phone back in her boob and ignored Ally's bomb rush of texts. So being the best friend she was, Ally snatched Sia's phone out of her bra upon pulling into the driveway, and forced herself over Greg to get out. 

Once inside the house, she shot up to her room and locked the door. She plopped on her bed and smirked, that would teach her for not listening. She then looked at her closet and then down to her outfit. The banging on the door didn't go unnoticed as she changed from her school uniform and into casual clothing. 

She went to the mirror on her wall and stroked her hair, she wanted the messy look. When she heard her click, she ran toward the bathroom, but didn't make it in time. She was tackled to the ground and screamed when Sia started tickling her. She pushed the other girl and made for the door, but just as she was out, she pushed right back in.

She fell to the ground with a thud, and then glared upwards. There stood Greg, he was grinning as if he won some big reward. His eyes widened though, when Ally gave Sia her phone back and jumped from the ground. She clenched her fist and narrowed her eyes, she didn't take well with guys touching her like that.

She was about to launch, but the sound of her mom stopped her. "You're lucky," she growled, but punched him in the back on her way down the stairs. She heard him groan, but it didn't satisfy her. She ignored the urge to run over him with the lawn mower and followed her mom's voice until she was in the kitchen.

She greeted her dad with a kiss on the cheek and sat down. Pretty soon, the kitchen was full, and her mom started to speak. "You know how you guys have been bugging us for a vacation?" She asked and when Ally and Daniel nodded, she continued. "Well, it's happening. We're going to Australia during spring break," she shared and Ally jumped from her seat.

She threw her fist in the air and did a little dance, before she took off toward her room. "Wait!" Her mom called and she stopped dead, before she turned on her heel and stood by the doorway. "There is a reason your friends are here, you know," she said and Ally squealed. Sia squealed too and soon they were holding hands and jumping in circles.

"We're going to Australia!" They yelled at the same time, but their excitement was cut short, when Daniel started mocking them. Ally hit the back of his head and then ran toward the stairs, which dragged Sia behind her.

Spring break started Friday, which meant Ally was going to pack ahead of time. That was how she was, she would pack early, unpack, and then pack again to make sure she had everything. Finally, she was going to get her vacation, the one she bugged her parents about for months on end.

She glanced at Sia and shrugged. The other girl looked sad, Ally guessed that she wanted to pack her things as well, but she lived on the other side of town, it would be impossible to walk. As Ally continued packing she smiled to herself, Australia, she would have to check it off her list of places she wanted to see. 

"I wonder how long it took Momma B; to convince my mom," Sia commented and Ally looked at her with a grin. "You know how strict my mom is, she probably had to blackmail the witch or something," she continued and Ally shook her head.

"I doubt that, your mom is awesome and you know it," she replied and Sia shrugged. "She probably promised to leave you there," Ally joked and laughed when Sia rolled her eyes and threw a pillow. "What? I'm just saying, not like it would be a bad thing," she said and watched as Sia nodded.

"You're right, I hope you forget me," she agreed and then they started laughing together. That was what Ally loved about Sia, they could be mean to each-other, yet they were still close. It was weird, one minute they were down each-others throats and the next they were laughing and carrying on.

"Okay, stop distracting me," Ally whined and Sia laughed. "Please? I need to pack and you know how I am about my packing," she said and then glanced toward the clock. "And if you don't stop, I'm staying with you tomorrow, and I'm going to distract you so hard," she threatened and that was the end of that. 

Sia turned toward the tv and clicked it on, which made Ally smile in victory. All that could be heard, were the soft sounds of the TV and Ally breathing. The silence would usually bug her, but packing was what she did best, so the silence didn't haunt her as much.

The next time she looked at Sia, the girl was laid out on the bed, texting someone. Ally shook her head and continued. Four bags later, she was finally done and glanced at the clock. It was midnight, and her best friend was already passed out. 

Her bed looked so inviting, so she put her bags to the side, shut off her light and climbed in. She closed her eyes and tried to think about anything but the vacation. She knew it would be a while before she fell asleep, she was the type to stay awake when was overwhelmingly happy. So she stared the ceiling and counted sheep.

Spring break seemed too far away.


I'm so sorry that the first chapter kind of sucks, but I wanted to introduce some stuff first. I hope you enjoyed it though, maybe it was too boring? Vote if it wasn't, and if you did happen to find it boring, maybe give me some feedback about what you did and didn't like?

Love you guys!

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