Chapter Two

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Ally stood in the middle of the airport and whipped her head back and forth. She clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes, all the while looking down at her phone. She caught a ride with one of her other friends, which meant she had to wait on everyone else. She asked Sia to ride with her, but she had a couple more things to pack before she left.

She shifted on her feet and grimaced, before she found a bench and sat on it. Her bags sat around her, made her feel a little more safe. She sighed and took a breath, and then leaned back. She covered her eyes and yawned, maybe she should have slept a little more.

Her feet bounced and she groaned, before jumping back to her feet. After looking toward the door again, she grabbed her bags and headed toward the ticket area. If they didn't hurry, she was going to go without them.

After ten more minutes of standing there, she glanced toward the door and grinned. There they were, waving at her. She waved back and hugged Sia when she got close enough. She knew by the look on her best friend's face, she would have to explain where she stayed the night and why.

Her mom gathered the tickets and went toward the desk, leaving everyone else to speak amongst themselves. The airport was loud, making Ally go in her own little word and ignore it. The only time she wanted to hear loud noises, was when she was at a concert, other than that; it so wasn't worth it.

After a few moments, Momma B came back and stood next to the group.

"Alright, stay close and don't wander off," Momma B said, before continuing. "All we need is to leave one of you behind, that's something I don't want to be harassed about for the rest of my life." She commented, which earned laughs all around.

"You would be," Ally commented with a shrug, which earned her a glare. "What? I've been buzzing about this trip and if you left me behind, you'd never hear the end of it," she defended and jumped away when her mom took a step forward.

"And that's why we are not having kids," Ally heard someone behind her say, which caused her to turn around. "Teens these days, so ungrateful," the man continued and Ally crossed her arms. "This is your business because?" He asked Ally, his brow raised.

"And what I say to my mom is your business?" Ally asked, and took a step forward. "How about no," she continued and got in the guy's face. "Talk about me again, douche, and you'll understand just how teen girls are these days." She finished and then turned on her heel and walked away. She paid no mind to the warning glare she got from her mom, she had the right to stick up for herself.

Another hour passed, and finally they were able to board the plan. They didn't have first class, but Ally could deal with that. She didn't understand why they were in coach, the last she knew, they had more than enough money. Or maybe she just didn't pay enough attention, she didn't have any idea.

After a few moments, Ally popped in her earphones and turned her music up full blast. A sigh escaped her and she closed her eyes. She was aware of Sia studying her, but she didn't have the energy to ask why. She would ask once they were on solid ground, until then, she planned on blocking everything out.

It didn't take but a minute and she was out, her breathing slow and steady.

Ally jolted upright when she felt the plane start shaking, her eyes wide and heart pounding. She glanced to the side and saw her best friend was pale white, while her brother and his best friend looked like they were enjoying it. She wanted to ask what was going on, but lost her will to do so when she felt herself tilt forward.

Wasn't someone supposed to come out and tell them to fasten their seat-belts? She say it in the movies all the time, so why wasn't that happening for them? She started looking around when she heard people start to scream, and soon found out that she was screaming almost louder than them.

"Mom! Dad!" She heard herself call, but received nothing in return. When she looked to her left again, she was alone, she was the only one there. The plane stopped shaking and it was stable again, which she took as her chance to look behind her. No one was there, the plane was empty, all except her.

"Sia? Danny? Gregory?" She whispered, but somewhere deep inside she knew no one was going to reply. One minute she was watching her best friend panic, and the next she was abandoned? It was a dream, her mind told her. Of course it was, that was the only way it made sense. A smile appeared on her face and she settled back in her seat, a dream; just a dream.

And again, Ally jolted awake when she felt herself being shaked. Only when her eyes opened, the sun blinded them. Her hand snapped to her forehead and she groaned, which made her wonder why. She looked around and noticed that she was alone.

"Mom?" She asked, her voice was rough. She coughed and whined when it felt like someone stabbed her in the throat. "Dad?" She tried again, but was met with nothing. She didn't bother yelling for anyone else, she just stood to her feet. She let out a cry and fell back down when she put pressure on her right ankle.

She sat there and glanced around the area, until her eyes focused and she realized she was on land, an island to be more exact. She was surprised she hadn't felt the sand before, but maybe she was too scared and hazed to.

She continued to look, her neck almost hurt from moving it too much. "Ally?" She heard someone ask and whipped her body to face the other direction. She caught sight of Sia, who was holding onto her side. "I'm sorry you woke up alone, I had to pee," she said and Ally nodded because she didn't know what else to do.

"The plane wrecked in the water, your dad and Greg got us all out," she explained and Ally nodded again. "They're out searching, trying to find more people, or just civilization in general," she continued and Ally just nodded, which was getting old. "Say something, need to know you're in there," Sia said and Ally went to nod, but stopped herself.

"What happened? How did we crash?" She asked and Sia shrugged.

"No idea, the pilots are dead, most of the people on the plane are dead." She answered and Ally sighed. "Danny is hurt pretty bad, do you want me to help you closer to him?" She asked and Ally's eyes widened. She jumped to her feet and ignored the pain, while snapping her head side to side. Once she spotted him, she ran and dropped down next to him.

He was laying there and while he looked lifeless, he was breathing and that assured her enough to calm down. Her eyes dragged along his body, stopping three times. His left arm, it was twisted, broke. It looked like a piece of metal was broken off in his leg, while his right foot looked crushed. Did he catch most of the injuries? Why was he hurt more than everyone else?

And did all of it happen because of her?

All because she wanted a stupid family vacation.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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