Prologue - The Rogue

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It started on what seemed to be a normal summer morning. I woke up late, as usual, with the sun shining through my window. There was screaming and loud fighting noises outside- wait, what!? It took a second for me to process, but I soon grabbed my sword and bow, and rushed out of my room. I peered around to see a group of bandits pillaging the village. Most of the residents had fled, save for a few stubborn shop owners and some foolishly brave 12 year olds thinking they could handle the trained fighters. I was still in shock when I saw a bolt of lightning out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to see a beautiful woman in robes standing menacingly in front of a pile of bandit corpses. She saw me and immediately started pointing her staff towards me, glaring. I hastily raised my hands up, signifying that I meant no harm and wasn't allied with the bandits. She paused for a second before shooting another beast of a lightning bolt towards a group of bandits surrounding a group of trapped children. I snap out of my state of shock and quickly finish off the remaining bandits, who's fighting skills paled in comparison to mine. The mage took notice of that, and watched as I leaped from the rubble of destroyed buildings and took out bandit after bandit with my blade. After I sliced the throat of the final enemy, she approached me. I turned to see that her glare had become a soft, warm gaze. She spoke with a voice that made my gay brain shut down, saying

"I am sorry for the trouble, I was just tracking these bandits for a bit and they had found some of my students"

I was still mesmerized at her sweet sounding voice when she waved a hand in front of me, since my eyes had been locked in place... at her tiddies. It was completely accidental, as I had merely been lost in space due to her voice, however it still was fairly indecent of me. Thankfully the mage was unaware, and spoke again, asking

"What is your name?"

I responded quickly with a stuttered

"Tsuki. Tsuki Sakura Kasai"

A small smile appeared on her face as she giggled

"Mine is Aelia Von Enya, and I see that you are lost in space. Are you still stunned from the fight?"

I responded quickly

"Oh! No, I'm alright. I've fought many battles before. I was just a bit lost in thought due to your voice. It is quite comforting."

She giggled, continuing to speak

"Well I'm flattered. You are very sweet. There's something of mention, however. Your skills in taking down the ruffians were quite admirable. You'd make a brilliant soldier."

I blushed intensely, as a pretty woman had just complimented me, therefore the only reasonable response was to lose all ability to string a sentence together

"T-thank you. I uh practiced a lot and I'm good at killing. I like killing. I mean I like fighting. I'm really adept at stabbing people. Bad people. I'm not a murderer. Don't worry. I wanted to be a weapon one day. I mean a fighter. I have a weapon. I should stop."

Aelia looked slightly shocked for a second before returning to her normal sweet stature.

"Well are you affiliated with an army, mercenary group, or anything of the sort? If not, there's someone I'd like you to meet. She's a brilliant leader, and one of my closest friends and allies. We could benefit from having someone as skilled - and cute - as you."Those words stopped all function in my gay brain and I could barely mutter the words"That'd be nice"With that, the Goddess- I mean Aelia led me and her students towards the Black Eagles Monastery, where Edelgard, the Queen of Flames, calls home.


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