Chapter 1 - The Cat

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The long trip began, and due to a lack of spare horses, I rode behind Aelia, with my arms around her chest. She was warm, and hot- I mean pretty.

"So, Tsuki, did you grow up around here?"

I perk up at the sound of her voice

"No, actually. I have been travelling for a while, hoping to find work. My family died many years ago, so I've been on my own for a while. I'd only arrived in the village a few days ago. A nice baker there allowed me to stay in a free room above his bakery. I believe his name was Jimothy."

Her eyes saddened

"I'm sorry about your family. At the very least, I'm glad that you're traveling and experiencing the world. If you would like, since you don't have supplies or a tent of any sorts, you can share mine."

My face went bright red as I blushed intensely. Never would I have imagined that I'd be sharing a tent with a woman as beautiful as her. It was as if all of this was dreamt up by 17 year old me.

"I would love that. Do you by chance have an extra sleeping bag, or will we be forced to share?"

I waited patiently, hoping for the latter of the two. I've never cuddled anyone before, so it would be nice to experience that.

Aelia blushed slightly before saying "Fortunately I have a spare sleeping bag on me. I always have one in case Bernie comes along. She's one of the students. You'll meet her and the others when we reach the Monastery."

I was slightly dejected, but I suppose it saved me from accidentally grabbing her tiddies in my sleep. Looking to find out more about Aelia, I began asking her questions about where she was from, what her favourite foods were, how big her tiddies were, and more. We talked for a while, and with each word I became more and more entranced. She was sweet, funny, a bit innocent, and quite skilled at magic. Oh, and she was also gorgeous. It was as if an Angel had graced humanity's presence.

Soon I began to slip back into empty thoughts, with me enjoying being able to hug Aelia while on horseback. She was warm and cuddly. I became so relaxed that I somehow forgot to keep my arms around her, and ended up falling off while still unaware of everything in my surroundings. I can't remember anything except light going black and waking up to Aelia standing over me. I immediately blushed again, since that is becoming somewhat of a theme around Aelia, and am greeted by a sweet

"Are you alright, sweetheart?"

I swear I could've died in that exact moment and be satisfied with life. Sure, I still haven't cuddled someone, but an Angel called me sweetheart. My life goal is complete. I've won, Mom. Oh right she died. Okay well unfortunately I still had a lot of murder to do, so back to the story. I briskly sat up... conveniently into her tiddies. It again was an accident, but she was just standing over me. I swear none of this was intentional. Anyways, Aelia had the composure to simply blush and say nothing other than

"I'm glad you're alright. I was a bit worried when you fell off unexpectedly. You had somewhat of a stupid- I mean spacey look on your face."

I somewhat agree with her. I couldn't see my face, but I can imagine that blushing and also smiling as if I was drunk is a combo that would make anyone look like an idiot. Anyways, at this point the sun started to set, so I must've been passed out for a while. Aelia finally speaks again after I committed ACCIDENTAL indecent acts on her.

"I believe it is time to set up camp. It will be completely dark soon, so it would be good to sleep, since we still have a fair distance to travel tomorrow."

I grew excited at this, since I'd be able to share a tent with the Tiddy Goddess- I mean Aelia. I could've probably attempted to burn or get rid of the spare sleeping bag, but that would've been quite rude considering she had let me ride on her horse behind her and will be sharing her tent with me.

"Awesome!! I'm excited to meet this Ediegard."

She giggled at this

"Her name is Edelgard. Also, what is this 'awesome' that you speak of?"

"I'm not quite sure. It just seemed to feel right. It might've come to me in a dream, or it could've been sent to my brain by angels from above, or someone from the future. Though that's just a theory."

A GAME THEORY. I don't know where that came from. Best to ignore it, I suppose. Anyways, we set up the tent and sleeping bags. Aelia passed out quickly, but it took me a bit of time to completely settle down. Everything changed so quickly. I went from never having touched tiddies to having my face squished in them. I went from living in a room above a bakery to traveling with a powerful mage, and a hot one at that. Things were definitely looking up. With that, I slipped off to sleep. I had a few normal dreams like flying, committing arson, cuddling with Aelia- wait let's not talk about this one. Eventually there was one dream that felt a bit different. It felt... real. A voice called out to me in the darkness.

"Tsuki. There are things to tell you."

The one talking stepped out in front of me. It was a giant.. Cat?

"You have abilities hidden deep within your blood. These abilities won't completely shield you from death. They are powerful and destructive. With great power comes great responsibilities. Perhaps it would be wise to ask Aelia about this. She'll be able to give insight as to what this may be, and how to harness them to your full potential. For now, I must take my leave. A cat nap is awaiting me."


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