::chapter 1:

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  he was so alone. everyday was the same. wake up late. sulk around doing only what needs to be done. sitting around on his couch. go to bed early. george is a 19 year old boy who doesn't make an effort to try anymore. after his parents sadly passed in a restaurant fire, he has no motivation to take care of himself. as george lays awake, thinking about everything and nothing at the same time, he decides to shower. he sluggishly walks over to the bathroom looking in the mirror to see a monster staring back at him. dark eye bags with messy hair. *im a mess* he thinks to himself.

george showers as quickly as possible considering the face that he's tired as always. the mirror is foggy, as george goes to wipe it down with his hand, his hand goes straight through. "am i just really tired or is this real?" getting dressed and looking back at the mirror, george puts his hand through ur again. "maybe i'm dreaming but..." he puts his full body through.

george wakes up in his bed. wait no. this isn't his bed? "hmm?" he opens his eyes while and sees a figure standing over him. george jolts up.
"where am i and who are you?"
"i'm nick, or sapnap is what my friends call me. i found you on the road passed out and brought you to my house."
"oh well thank you but i should be getting back to my house." george wakes up fully and starts leaving
"WAIT you forgot thing. what is this by the way?" nick asks.
"uhm it's a phone, ya know make calls send text?"
"hmmmm never heard of it."
"what year are you living in" george jokes.
"1960 obviously" sapnap replies with a laugh
wait, did he say 1960?
"1960? youre only joking right?" george saids
"no...why would i be joking" george takes a look outside. oh my god. the cars, the clothes everything. it's just not like 2021.

HEYYY this is my 1st story and the idea came from @missyeoq and her tiktok is @speedrunning.deez.nuts <33 make sure to check her out aswell (i'm also no copying in writting it in my own words) STAY TUNED FOR CHAPTER 2

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