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"listen this might sound crazy but, i'm from 2021 and i got here through a mirror. i thought it was a dream but it's just...real." sapnaps eyes go in shock.
"that's why that rectangle thingy..phone wasn't something u knew abt. wow this is crazy. i've gotta call dream."
"who's dream" george asked with furrowed eyebrows
"well..dream is my best friend since i was 10, i'm 21 now and we have become closer and closer basically like brother" sapnap saids smiling
"oh wow that's nice. i'm 20 btw" george thinks sapnap is lucky to have had somebody with him for such a long time.
"maybe we can go meet dream in person, you can come with me"
"oh that sounds fun, i'm in" sapnap is excited to bring dream to meet george, he thinks they will become close friends with some talking. and with that, they go over to dreams house.

"we have to walk, i can't afford a car" sapnap saids
"that's fine, i like walking anyways" george wanted to see the world from the POV of somebody who lives in the 1900s. it's not a long walk, maybe 10 minutes later they show up to a quite nice house considering it's hard to make money in earlier times. sapnap walks in and george follows close behind.
"DREAMMIE WHERE AREEE YOUU"sapnap yells. george laughs.
"WHAT? oh hi sapnap and sapnaps friend" george is guessing this is dream, dream shakes george's hand.
"i'm dream, and you are.."
it's nice to meet you george dream saids with a smile

ugh short chapter i knoww i'm on vacation rn so i'm writing this very late at night. part 3 should be published very very soon :D follow my socials

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