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Vous faites bien des suppositions.

Je le ferai sans faute.
The night was cold, I realized when I lay down on my bed. Cole and Collete left about an hour back after my mother dementedly walked in on our hang out.
I spoke to Mr. Pierce before he left, and he invited me for dinner at their place. If it was up to me. I'd turn down the offer but my loquacious mother and flinty father foisted me into agreeing.

I shot up and grabbed my phone from my nightstand. I turned it on and texted Ryeona.

Hey bestie, 😟sorry about not texting's just Cole and Collete came over to the party and we had a blast. I'd be if you came. A  Anden Pierce was here with the hand of off of offyo see Laurette..🙄
How is the baby? Told you it's a boy! Just missed you😖 and hope for us to meet again.

Love Paulette 💕

I turned off the phone and walked to the closet. I stepped in and took off the outfit. Something caught my eye, I walked closer to it. A girl stood in front of me looking bereft of happiness. She drearily smiled at me but her smile didn't reach her livid eyes, 'the epitome of beauty'. All the eulogies thrown at her didn't give an ounce of joy.
She ran her hand through her hair feeling its fibrous texture at her fingertips. How did her life get to this? Of course..she was beguiled into it, she wanted to be free.. happy. I wanted to be free. I   wanted to be happy.

I turned around giving my reflection my back and walked into the bathroom. I left the water running into the tub while I choose my outfit.
I came back turned off the taps and picked my shower gel from the cabinet. It smelled like melons and cherries. I placed it on the tiling and got into the tub.

I was woken up by my mother's loud claps, I sat up and glazed over at them standing in front of my bed. By them.I mean mother and sister Laurette.

'Bonjour bonjour! Wake up.. we're already late.' her accent echoed in my dark silent room. I got off my bed wearing my slippers and sauntering to the window.
I tagged at the curtains and saw it was just getting bright outside, there was no sign of the sun. Just birds singing and dripping trees.
'Aujourd'hui, Nous avons un dîner chez des Pierces!' Don't you remember?'

I gasped and sauntered to my bed sitting at the edge. 'Qu'est-ce qui presse?' Yeah.. what was the hurry?

'Dépêchez-vous!' she stormed out of my room and I groaned at the fact that she just told me to hurry up.. walking to the bathroom.

I halted when I saw Laurette still in the room. 'Vous le voulez très vite?'
She rolled at my question.

'Ew. English please!' she walked out. Jeez. I  asked if she was in a hurry for the dinner.. dramatic much.

We were at the store, De l'amour. Choosing outfits for the dinner which I repeat was tonight at 8.
I sat aside as they choose my outfit, obviously not doing anything just waiting for my manicurist to get done. When she was done, I was next for a haircut. There had not to be any loose wisps of hair falling out tonight.

MELANGE OF Imperceptible LOVE (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now