Chapter 1: Morning starter

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Personal notes to readers.

Hi guys these will be my first time writing out something here so if you happen to see any mistake or some missing /locking phrases kindly check me and notify me by leaving a comment on my work. I'm not perfect. I also commit mistake which only proves I'm a human being. so please have patient and bear with me. Thank you

P.S you may find a lot of errors on my analogy but I'll try to take time and fix my errors. I'm really Sorry guys.



It's monday, early in the morning. I'm in my deep sleep mostly tired from doing school works that is due today. Since I didn't do it during my weekend free time I needed to finished it last night before going to school today. I really have this unpleasant attitude toward school works, like not doing and finishing school necessary things ahead of time and instead wait for the last minute rush hour which always leads me into a bad situation (like I'm experiencing now). Well what can I do I'm this certain type of person who doesn't care in being the class top student or getting higher grades like how other student does. The only thing that matters me the most is only to pass school without doing much efforts on studying. Never mind. Let's just leave my stupidity alone and get back to my current situation. I was in my deep sleep, not until..

Bang Bang.. someone knockingly bang on my room's door.

"Older brother?.. Older brother Sire wake up. It's already 6:00 o'clock you'll be late for school if you don't get up."

I really don't wanna make any movement at this very moment not even to open up my mouth neither to talk and answer the person behind the door who keeps on busting while shouting out my name, but If I don't act or do anything about this my door may collapse any time. I sluggishly open up my complaining eyes, I'm having the feeling of being drunk most probably because of drowsiness and lock of sleep at the same time, I keep on blinking my eyes often to get back my soberiety so I'd be able to response the person who triumphantly destroyed my blissful sleep.

"Yes Gen? I'm wide awake now, thanks for waking me up"

"Okay older brother Sire good morning, but don't cheat me by going back to sleep."

"Oh, good thing you remind me. I'll prepare myself for bathing now" I told her while smiling with my slyness.

"I won't let you be wise again older brother, I'll take a bath now and wait for you for breakfast at the dining area."

"Okay,okay. I'll see you later then."

That's my little sister voice, Gen she's my half sister from my father side. her mom is the second wife of my dad but I love Gen the way how I love my real siblings.

I'm basically laying the upper part of my body on the study table and my lower part of the body sits on a chair while my left hand placed under my head serving as a supporter. Notes and books scattered around me on the study table together with my right hand were I doze off and slept until morning came.

While I'm facing the left side corner of my room my mind keeps on arguing with my urges telling me that it still needs a lot more of sleep, my body wants the same thing as well, but my urges keeps on butting in telling me that if I don't drag my ass to bath and prepare myself for school I'll be receiving an early morning sermon and scolding from my dad.

So I yawn and finally decide to drag my ass to bath without even glancing on my beloved bed to avoid the temptation from my one and only love. My bed.

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