1. The Box

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Mitch's P.O.V.

          I woke up in a cold, dark room, my head hurting from... From what? I had no idea what happened. One minute I was running, and the next I was...
"Knocked out..." I muttered to myself, "How did I let myself get knocked out?"

      I stood up and began walking around the room, keeping my hand against the wall so I could make sure I wasn't walking aimlessly through the dark. I came around in a full loop and decided to explore the center of the room.

      I took a few steps toward the center, keeping my arms in front of me so I could tell if I was about to bump into something. I made it to one side and stared walking towards the other, when I fell through the hole.

       " Omph!" I gasped as I hit another cold floor. I looked around in for some source of light, because for now, I was stumbling around in the dark.

         I walked towards the center of this new room, (not like I was able to tell the difference) and tripped over something. My head hit the floor, and I was out cold.

Jerome's P.O.V.

        I awoke to a shadowy figure hitting the floor of the dark, probably obsidian room. "Who can that be?!" I thought myself, "Maybe it's one of the people that trapped me I'm here! I better act like I'm asleep and hope they go away"

       I quickly laid back down and pretended to be asleep. The figure started to walk around the room, stumbling and almost tripping once. I stifled a laugh. "Well, that's definitely not a guard" I thought. The figure started walking towards me. I quickly curled back up into a sleeping position and waiting for the figure to walk past, but instead of walking past me, he fell on top of me!

       His head hit the floor with a *Thump* and went limp. "Oh no! There's possibly a dead person on the floor, what do I do?!"

        I turned whoever it was over and prepared to do mouth to mouth. "Oh, I am sooooo not gonna enjoy this!" I thought. I leaned over and started to connect the gap between our mouths, just as I was about to connect my lips to his, I felt some of his breath coming out in shallow gasps. "Oh thank Notch he's breathing!"

         I searched for his pulse, it was very faint, and his skin felt icy cold, even colder than the room we were in. "Oh no, I need to keep him warm, what can I do?! What can I do?!" I whispered frantically as my eyes scanned the room for something to keep the stranger on my lap warm. After a few seconds of scanning the dimly-lit room, my eyes settled on the overcoat of my tux.

      I took it off and wrapped the stranger in it, hoping it would be enough to keep him alive. I took his hand to see how warm it was, my overcoat had helped, but not a lot. I decided that the only option was to hug him to keep him warm. I laid him down next to me and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer to me for maximum warmth. "I hope my fur is enough to keep you warm, whoever you are," I muttered as I rested my head on his. It was sorta like cuddling in a way, but I hated cuddling.

       "Just don't think of it like that Jerome! You're just doing what I takes to keep him alive! I'm sure anyone would do the same!"

     After about an hour of sitting there and trying to covince myself that I was not cuddling with a complete stranger, I drifted off into a calm peaceful dream.


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