5. The Others

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Jerome's P.O.V.

I woke up to a guy in a red-and-black checkered hoodie shaking me and telling me to wake up.

"Wah.. Huh?" I murmured sleepily. "Um, hey Jer- Dude, wake up!"
"Did he almost say my name? Or am I just really tired?" "Huh?" I asked as Ie began to sit up. "I said wake up! I'll catch you up on everything later!" I sat up, a little more alert. I recognized the guy as the guy that tripped and I had to hug to save.

"Oh man, I hope I wasn't hugging him when he woke up! That would make things super awkward!"

I looked around the room, when I relized we were still in the dark room, I started asking a million questions at once. "Wait, what happened? Where are you taking me? Who are you?"

He looked over at me, "Dude, I'm just as confused as you are, we all are. Right now all I'm gonna do is take you to the room below us and meet up with Preston and Rob. We're gonna find a way outta here together."

I looked at him with a confused look on my face. "Who's Rob? And Preston?" I decided I'd find out soon enough, so I followed his instructions and started to walk towards the hole that led into the other room. He stayed where he was and stared out into space. "What's he staring at, I'm already here" I decided to call out to him before I jumped down. "Um.. Hey, whatever your name is, Are you coming?"

He snapped out of his trance. "Um... Yeah, wait up! He said as he started to run towards me. I jumped down the hole and landed in another room, this one with a strange orange glow. I looked back to see the guy who had woken me up jump down. He landed with a thud and looked up. "Hey, Rob! Preston! We're here!" He yelled.

A lab mob and a guy with a blue hoodie turned around, along with another guy with a red hoodie. "That's weird, he never mentioned another person." I thought.

The one in the checkered hoodie ran towards them. "Hey guys! Who's the new guy?" He asked. The blue hoodie spoke up, "Oh yeah, Lachlan, this is Mitch and um.. What's your name?" He asked as he looked at me. "Oh yeah, um..I'm Jerome," I said. "Hi guys!" The one in the red hoodie, Lachlan I'm guessing, said.

Mitch began to talk. "So, Jerome," he said as he looked at me, "This is Preston, he pointed to the lava mob, "His boyfriend Rob," he pointed to the one in the blue hoodie, "and now Lachlan's in the group." Lachlan waved again, "Are you caught up now?"

I nodded, "I think so," I replied, "So did you all wake up in a room and have no idea where you are too?" I asked the group. They all nodded in unison. "Do you think there's a way out of this place?" Lachlan asked. "There has to be!" Rob said, "We just have to look around some more!" "Yeah!" Preston added, "everyone look around for another hole! I'm sure we'll find a way out!"

We all split up and started looking for an exit, withen seconds Lachlan called out to the group to come over to his area. "Did you find it?" Mitch asked. "Um.. Yeah, I think so" he said. "Great, let's all jump down!" I yelled excitedly, I couldn't wait to see sunlight again.

Preston and Rob went down first. After they gave the all clear we all jumped down one by one. By the time the last of us went down, Preston was calling us to come over.

"Hey guys! I found another person over here!" He yelled. Mitch, Lachlan, and I ran over to see who else was trapped in with us. When we got there I noticed Mitch had gone a little pale. "I wonder why he looks so shocked, shouldn't he be used to seeing a bunch of new people here?"

"Um.. Guys, where's Lachlan?" He asked frantically. We all looked around, but we couldn't see him. It was only until I moved towards the center of the room that I heard his voice coming from below. "Guys! I'm down here! I fell down another hole! And there's a door leading outside!"

Everyone cheered, glad that there was finally a way out of here. We were so busy cheering that we hadn't noticed that we woke up the person sleeping on the floor. "What's going on?!?" I heard an unfamiliar voice say. We all turned around and saw a guy in a blue shirt with some sort of diamond in the middle standing in the corner.

Mitch spoke up first. "Um.. Hi... Um.. We're not evil?" I face palmed. "Mitch! You adorable little idiot!," I thought, " you're gonna make this guy- wait, did I say he was adorable?" I shrugged it off, convincing myself that I was tired. I instead focused on trying to make the new guy to trust us.

The new guy looked at us suspiciously. "What he means to say is," I started saying, "Is that we also have no idea what's going on and that we found the way out, so we found you asleep and now you've woken up... And now we're inviting you to join our group until we find out where we are."

He started to relax, "okay.. I guess I could join you guys, at least until we find a way out." He smiled a little. "Wow, this guy is way too trusting." I thought. "Alright, if you would just follow us down here," Preston said, "We'll go outside.

We all started running towards the hole. Once we got there, we all jumped down one by one, except for Preston and Rob, they always jumped down together for some reason. I guessed it was because they were a couple.
I was the last to jump down, and when I got there, it was complete chaos.
Everyone was huddled around the door, except for Lachlan and the new guy, they were behind everybody and talking quietly, both of them blushing like crazy.

I shrugged it off and walked to the front of the crowed. They were all talking like crazy. I laughed and started babbling excitedly with the rest of the guys. After a few minutes we all got quiet. I opened the door and we all ran outside happily, until we realized we were in the middle of nowhere.

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