7. Confessing

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Mitch's P.O.V.

I looked up at the wall in disbelief. Not only were we all gonna possibly die just like in my dream, but I got the worst sounding power of them all..

I got time, freaking time! What was I meant to be? The human equivalent of a clock? I was so embarrassed.

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the warm droplets of water fall on my arm. Next thing I knew that rest of the guys were running towards me. The rest was pretty much a blur of confusion and fear. I felt as if I were about to explode, Until I felt a soft, furry hand on my shoulder.

My senses went on overdrive again, my scattered thoughts organized themselves, I started to calm down. I took a deep breath and looked up at the rest of the group. They were all asking what was wrong and trying to get me to say something. I noticed Jerome was now rubbing my back, that made me blush a little. I wondered what I should say, suddenly it all became clear... I would tell them about the dream.

I took a shaky breath and started talking. "G-guys, listen to m-me for a minute," I studdered. They all stopped talking and looked at me, I continued to speak, "L-look, I um... I had a dream when we were in the trap, I kinda wanna tell you guys about it."

They nodded their heads, indicating that I had their full attention, I started again. "In this dream... I saw all of you and... And.. We were on a beach.."

I continued to tell them all about the dream, not leaving out a single detail, I even told them about the part where I kissed Jerome.

When I finished they were all staring at me in disbelief. Jerome had stopped rubbing my back and was now looking away from me. Lachlan and Vikk were staring at each other and were blushing like crazy, both studdering about how they had no feelings for each other, but eventually ended up holding hands and were just starimg at each other. Preston and Rob were looking at me, trying to look like they didn't think I was insane but miserably failing. I put my head down, wondering why I even decided to tell them anything, when Jerome spoke up.

"Um.. Guys, I have something to tell you too," he said, causing everyone to look at him. "I um... I also had a dream like this, but... But it was only for a split second, all I remember was something about the world ending and all of us going into battle, but that's it."

We all stared at him, I was mentally smiling. I wasn't the only insane one in the group! I was so happy!

Vikk spoke up, making me forget my thoughts and teleporting me back to reality, we all listened to him as he spoke. "Jerome? Are you telling us everything that happened in this dream?" He asked.

Jerome blushed, well sorta, it was hard to tell since he had fur, but I swore I saw his cheeks turn pink. "Um.. Well... There was one more thing... But I'm sure it meant nothing!" He said quickly.

This time I spoke up. "Jerome, if there's something else, you need to tell us," I said. He blushed even more and sighed. "F-fine!" He studdered, "ImayormaynothavekissedMitchinthedream"

We all looked at him in confusion, "Um.. What?" Preston asked, "all I heard was dheiehskoa dream." We all nodded. Jerome took in a deep and shaky breath and spoke again, this time a little slower.

"I said... I may or may not have kissed Mitch in the dream," he managed to finally say. We all looked at him in shock, especially me. The guy I had dreamed about kissing and had actually kissed in real life dreamt about kissing me! I had no idea why, but I felt so happy! I felt like I wanted to kiss Jerome again! I jumped up in the air and yelled "Yes!" At the top of my lungs. I then went on to run full speed at Jerome. (Who by the way, was about 10 feet away from me) and hugged him. After I realized what I did, I immediately jumped back.

"Um.., did that just happen in real life?" I asked. Everyone just stared at me and nodded. I ran behind the building full speed and started to cry again, this time letting all the fear and anxiety that had been building up inside of me out. I thought about how defenseless I was, about how I had the worst power ever, and about how embarrassing I was. To make it even worse, I couldn't stop thinking about Jerome. I didn't know why, but everything about him seemed perfect ever since I kissed him in the room. Now I just blew any chance I had with him. I cried even harder.

I was so busy wallowing in self-pity that I didn't realize my hoodie fell off. I also didn't notice that it was freezing outside! I started to shiver and sat on the floor, not caring if I froze to death, when I heard a quiet voice.

"Um.. Mitch?" It said. I looked up. The voice belonged to... You guessed it, Jerome. I buried my face in my knees and started to cry again.

"W-what d-do you *Hic* W-want?" I cried. He sat down next to me and handed me my hoodie. "Hey dood, I picked up your sweater... Um, I just thought you would want it back," He said quietly. I took the hoodie and threw it as far as I could, I didn't deserve to feel warm.

He sighed. "Look, um.. I know you feel embarrassed, but you should at least be warm. I.. I don't want you to get sick."

I shook my head. I didn't want to fell warm, in fact, I wanted to freeze to death. I heard him sigh again. Then I felt him wrap something around me. I looked up. He had wrapped his coat around me. I tried to shove it off, but every time I got it off he put it back on me. After a while I gave up an just sat there with the Bacca's overcoat on me. We sat there for who knows how long until he spoke again.

"Um.. Mitch?" He asked. "Y-yeah Jerome?" I stuttered. He looked at me, "Well, I was... Um I was thinking about the whole dream-kiss thing..."
I looked down , feeling embarrassed again. He continued to talk. "Wait! It wasn't a bad thing!" He said quickly. I looked up again, a little hope in my eyes. "I just thought... Well, if we both dreamt about it.... Maybe we should try." He stopped and looked down.

"T-try what?" I stammered. He looked up again. "Just, maybe... Maybe we should try being a couple?" He asked. I smiled a little. He smiled back. Tears started streaming down my face. He wiped them away with his finger. We stared into each others eyes, still smiling like idiots. He closed his eyes and started to lean in. I did the same thing, copying him. The space between us started to grow smaller. We kept leaning in, until his lips met mine. We kissed. It felt wonderful. It was like all time had stopped. All my senses became sharper. I felt like there was electricity flowing through me. I didn't want to stop.

Much to my dissapointment, we had to stop kissing for air. I stared into his eyes again. This time they were sparkling. I mean, they were literally sparkling. It was like there were diamonds in his eyes. I never wanted to look away. Unfortunately, I heard the others coming to check on us. We both jumped back and tryed to look natural and got up. We both decided to not tell them about us, at least... Not yet.

We looked at each other one last time an started to walk to meet up with the others, wondering what laid ahead.

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