Bibichor: Chapter 3

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Today, you woke up at 6:00 am like normal. Since it was Friday, you knew it would be a nice and easy day. On Fridays, you typically work from 8 to 4 and then tutored the Head Librarian's little granddaughters in English. They were already pretty great at English, but had trouble with reading, writing, and basic five and six-year-old struggles. So that's where you came in.

As you started to make your bed, you stopped and thought about Javier. About his lips, his eyes, that mustache of his. God, you hoped you'd see him today. You stopped your thoughts so that you wouldn't get lost and continued doing your typical morning routine.

After, you head down the stairs of your apartment building and walk to the pastel-colored Café next door. It's quaint and quiet like it always was at 7:15 in the morning. You ordered your coffee with cream and sugar like you always do, and today you decided you'd get a blueberry scone. A special treat for a special day. You walk the few blocks it took to get to the library with your breakfast in hand.

As you walk in you greet your fellow librarians as well as the Head Librarian. You were on check-out duty this morning so you went to your desk and ate away as you read your book. It was difficult though. Every time The Knight appeared in your book you couldn't help but imagine it was Javier.

Whenever the wooden door would open and knock into the bell to signal a new person, your head whipped up and around to see who it was. After about 2 hours of this, you became less hopeful of seeing Javier. Last time, he arrived around 9 and it was already 10.

You continued with your daily tasks. You checked out the kids' book, helped some little boys find where the books about lions were, cleaned up the arts and crafts table, and other chores.

Time ticked away as your stomach growled, begging you for sustenance. You didn't want to risk missing Javier, so you fought the urge to eat and worked through the hunger.

Once the clock hit 3:30, you had decided that he probably wasn't coming, and you decided to finally take your lunch break.

... . .

You walked over to the cutest diner in town where your best friend worked. As you walked in, you felt relief wash over you as you saw your other half, Mari. Her full name is Maria Rojas, but she never went by Maria due to her disdain for her family, so you've always called her Mari.

"¡Hola, Chica! I haven't seen you in days! I'm sorry I've been so busy lately!"

"Hola, Mari. No worries. Can I get the usual please?" you said with glum in your voice.

"Oh no, what's wrong?" Mari said now worried.

"Huh? Nothing, I'm fine! Look at me."

"Oh don't you dare! It's a boy I know that voice!"

Mari has always helped you through tough times. About a year ago, your Ex had cheated on you. You found out because he stupidly took her to the diner and made out with her in front of Mari. Let's just say his food wasn't very sanitary after that. Ever since, she had always been there for you and extra protective, never wanting to see you go through the same pain you did back then. She truly was your best friend.

"Who's food do I have to spit in this time?"

"Oh god," you rolled your eyes at Mari's antics, "nobodies, it's fine it's been a rough day that's all."

"Mmmhm," Mari said, completely unconvinced. Since it was just after the diner's typical rush, not many people were there, so Mari put in your order and sat down next to you. She didn't say a thing, just stared at you for a few minutes until you broke.

You told her everything. You told her about the dreamy man that had been coming into the library. You told her about the cute nicknames he calls you. About how you kissed him yesterday. That's when you realized you had ruined everything. You shouldn't have kissed him. Mari didn't say anything, just listened to you.

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