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Carrie and the twins went with Mia, Brian, and Jack to the Dominican Republic after the Toretto household was destroyed. Carrie and the twins stay with Mia and Jack until they are told that it is safe to return home.

Mia, Jack, Carrie, Amelia, and Jackson are playing on the beach while Brian, Dom, Letty, Tej, Rome, and Ramsey sit around watching and talking.
"Daddy! Come play!" Mia yells at Brian for Jack. Carrie slightly frowns knowing her kids will probably never have that luxury of knowing their dad.
"Yeah," Brian says with a smile.
"Look at him. Look at him," Mia tells Jack as she points at Brian before Jack runs over to Brian.
"Yeah, buddy," Brian says as he picks Jack up.
"Duty calls," Dom says with a smile.
"It does," Brian says in agreement.
"Hey, babe. Come on," Mia says as Brian gets up.
"Let's get Mama. Yeah!" Brian tells Jack as they make their way over to Mia. "Here we go!"
"Because the sun is out, I'm kind of medium rare, but I can get, like, well done. Like, really dark," Rome rambles as he talks to Tej and Ramsey. Tej nudges Rome as he watches Brian, Mia, and Jack. "What you nudging me for?"
"Close your mouth for two seconds," Tej tells him before pointing at Carrie, Amelia, and Jackson before pointing at Brian, Mia, and Jack. "Just open your eyes, man." Brian picks up Jack with a smile on his face.
"Beautiful," Rome says as he watches.
"That's where he belongs," Letty says as she watches.
"Home," Dom says in agreement with her. "Where he's always belonged." Letty looks over at Dom with a small smile before looking back at Brian and Mia.
"Things are gonna be different now," Rome says with a small smile causing Tej to smile and nod in agreement. Brian picks Jack back up as Dom stands up.
"You aren't going to say goodbye?" Ramsey asks Dom as he starts walking away.
"It's never goodbye," Dom answers her as he watches Brian hold Jack and wrap an arm around Mia before looking over at Carrie, who has her arms wrapped around Amelia and Jackson. Carrie let's out a sigh, knowing that this would be a perfect moment if Jakob was there with them.

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